I began homeschooling my 9 year old in Oct of this year. I used the curriculum from the school she was in. She will be done in 2 weeks about 2.5 months ahead of her classmates. I think I wanna start an early summer break with her at that time. I have her books already for next year and was thinking we could do little bits here and there over summer break to keep her mind sharp and ready for next year, but I strongly believe a child should have a summer break. Especially in Illinois where the summer is way too short anyway. Would you do this or school right on through summer risking a major burnout for your kid. If schooled right on through she'd be done with 5th by the time her friends started, which sounds good, but at the same time....who cares? In the big picture why would being ahead really matter, she will still be able to go to college if she wants, and will be less stressed I think if she gets good time for just being a kid. Agree....... dissagree?