
What would you do if?...Fun Question!?

by Guest55955  |  earlier

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What would you do if your doctor told you that you were going to have 6 kids but you could pick how you have them. would you....

1. Have all kids at once

2. Have 1 kid every year for 6 years

3. Have twins every year for 3 years

4. Have triplets 2 years in a row

Why? Would you pick girls or boys? I pick best answer so 10 points to most creative answer




  1. I'd have triplets first. Def. boys!

    Then again when the boys are 4ish, I'd have triplets again, but this time girls. But I'd have to win the lottery to raise all those kids and send them to college! whew! just imagine!

  2. First if the doctor told me I was going to have 6 kids...i'll prolly tell him to go s***w himself, cuz theres no way i plan to push 6 kids out of that tiny hole down there. LOL. But if that was my fate....i would choose to have 6 all at once and by c-section. that way, they all come out so fast, it all happens within about 2 minutes, they will never fight about whos older and younger. And i can get the Birds and the Bees talk out of the way all at once.... and they'll all leave ALL AT ONCE. No muss no fuss. they would be 2 girls, and 4 boys. Because girls cant play as 3...they always are viscious and leave the third out. and boys can have even players for when they play cops and robbers. 2 on 2. it would be such a wonderful life. lol

  3. id have 1 child every 6 yrs. id have 3 boys and 3 girls to even it out. i loved being pregnant, and i had the urge to get pregnant soon after i delivered my daughter.

  4. if it was me i would have them all at once and get the nappies teething all out of the way so i could concentrate on them all at the same time.

    i would like 3 of each.

  5. I would have them all at once and i would want all boys.

  6. Have 1 kid every year for 6 years. Really, in real life, I'd want maybe 1 set of twins. Here goes:

    1. Boy- so the girls weren't too girly.

    2. Girl- nice change

    3. Boy- older boy would be happy

    4. Girl- girl would be happy

    5. Girl- both girls would be happy

    6. Boy- nice closure

    ahha :)

  7. 1 kid a year,perfectly spaced and ill never be lonely, haha how fun! :)

  8. 1 kid to start off get to grips with things then possibly twins  by this time i would have 3 boys,, wait a couple of year and have another boy  and posibley 3 -4 years down have twin girls that way my boys could protect my daughters  and there age group is spread from about 7-12 years difference

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