
What would you do if I was your son ? ( Hypothetical situation )?

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I’m your son ( age 11 -- 15 ), and I’ve been making a habit of shoplifting, skipping school and neglecting my chores and my schoolwork . Recently, I’ve stopped shoplifting, started going to school EVERY DAY, started working VERY HARD on my schoolwork and started getting all “A's”, and started working VERY HARD on all my chores . What would you do ? How would you reward me ? Do you think I'd deserve to be rewarded ? Would you punish me for shoplifting, skipping school and neglecting my chores and schoolwork ?




  1. If you're getting into trouble, this first lesson you would learn is the difference between "rights" and "privileges."

    You have a right to breathe, eat, get an education, have a roof over your head.

    A car, Internet access, freedom to roam around town, allowances, cell phones - these are all privileges we give you because we love you. All of these things are gone when you get into this level of trouble.

    When you cleaned up your act, I'd give you back all the privileges I took away when you were getting into trouble. Life doesn't give you rewards for doing "the right things," and this is the lesson I'd hope to teach you. You earn your own rewards and take pleasure in the fact that you EARNED THEM YOURSELF.

  2. You would have been punished at the time that you shop lifted, skipped, etc.  You'd lose various privileges for a set time.  Stay out of trouble, do your chores, and your life will include a cell phone, X Box, etc.  

    Straight A's are hard to get.  I'd tell you how proud I am of you and I'd cook your fav. dinner to celebrate your report card.  Also, I believe that "all A's" deserves a reward.  People get bonuses at work for a job well done.  This is the same thing on a teen level.  What do you want?    New skateboard?  Waterpark season pass?   Your choice. You earned it.  Way to go, kid!

  3. I tell you what, i would give you one big F*****G punch in the head

    Don't punish me Y!A, i am 16, so no child abuse possible ;)

  4. If you were my son I would acknowledge the fact that you have turned your habits around and started working hard. I would also acknowledge the fact that even though you have changed, what you have done is not proper. I don't think I would reward  you right away, nor do I think I would punish (ex: grounding, taking things away, etc). I think I would limit your activities until you can prove to me that you have straightened up. Until I can gain that trust from you, you would be on a short leash.  In a respectful way of course..

  5. i would acknowledge the turnaround by saying how proud of you i am. nothing over the top but when i see  a good report or see chores are done, i would say good job on your chores and keep it moving to not make a huge fuss. just enough to acknowledge the deed. i would spend dinner or some time time just talking about nothing in particular to you to put in your mind i am there for you all the time and not for punishing.

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