
What would you do if a credit card company sues you?

by  |  earlier

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I have recieved a letter from the court that a credit card company sues me and had made a judgement about me. This is the first time that ever happened to me. I dont want to go thru all that messed of going to the court and getting a lawyer, heck, i dont even think i can affod a lawyer. I need help here..what is the best way to solved this problem. should I answer the complaint or call their lawyer make a payment agreement or go to court?




  1. how much are they wanting to get from u?

  2. I would pay the bills

  3. Start by contacting the attorney and see what you can negotiate.  Obviously you can't pay the whole amount at once, and if he won't budge you will have to take your chances in court.  

    If they win (and from you answer I assume they will), you can request that the judge order a payment plan that you can afford.  Check with your local court to find out the exact procedure on how to do this.  

    And if the attorney plans to take this to court, file a motion with the court for a validation disclosure.  Make the attorney provide you with copies of the contract, and a exact accounting of what they claim you owe.  I may states, they can't win without a contract, and many times they can't supply one.

  4. payment agreement is always better.  It makes your credit a little better.  Go someone that specializes in debt consoliation.

  5. flee the country or fake your death. or both! the caribbean is said to be very nice

  6. Since you have already been sued, why make the payment

    arrangement with them, they got you know, so its better just

    to go in front ofthe judge, and plead your case, why yougot

    into that situation, maybe you lost your job, illness, people

    always fall intohard times, plus you got the judge on your

    side that he knows these cccompanies alwaystack on fees,

    overlimit fees, high interest sobefore he makes the deciasion

    ask him if he could help with removing those fees are not

    part of your debt.  But please you have to show up, ifnot,

    theywill automaticallyget whatever they ask for, dont let them

    dothat, 70-80% of cases win by default because people/

    consumers are too scared and dont show up!

    Even if you cant pay right away, its better to look the judge

    in the eyeand explain your financial situation.

    Good luck!!!

  7. What did you owe them?

  8. sue back

  9. maybe you should pay the balance on your credit card!

  10. If you owe the debt, you should pay. If you get a summons to appear in court, you can go without a lawyer but make sure to appear. Even if you make an agreement to pay, they will still file suit against you to enter  the judgment.

  11. why would they do that. contact atterney gerneral. maybe he/she can help

  12. Well is there a reason they are sueing you? If you don't know why you are being sued, then you need to find out. And get a lawyer and sue back.

  13. Do a barrel roll!

  14. countersue.  also, why are they sueing u?  was it credit fraud?

  15. RUN!

  16. youre's not everyday a credit card company sues someone, get a lawyer and go to court

  17. I would call the credit card company and see if it can be settled out of court.  It can't hurt to ask.  What motivation do they have to take you to court if they can get their money without having to do that?

  18. go to court u might come out with alot of money the way they 're getting sue these days

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