
What would you do if a family member burglarized your home?

by  |  earlier

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Besides call the cops, I mean.




  1. By not turning them in your enabling their behavior. I would stop all contact with this person.

  2. Confront them

  3. why not call the cops? dont they deserve it? they violated your personal property and feeling of safety in your own home. time in jail is definitely appropriate.

    but if you wont make the call...

    why not just out them to the rest of the family for what they are. thieves.

  4. Aside from losing all respect I may have had for that person- I would certainly disown them. There is no excuse for doing something like that- especially to family.

  5. Confront them on it. Tell the person to give your stuff back and never return.

    Good luck.

  6. My family would suddenly get smaller....

  7. i wouldn't talk to them

  8. I would beat their azz.

    Then cut them off!  

  9. if a family memeber disliked u enough to rob you then **** em, do whatever u'd do to a normal robber. I would prolly send a pellet thru his head since i dont have a gun i keep a pellet rifle next to the bed.  

  10. I have a cousin who used to do things like that for about 10 years. He and his 12 year old sister would figure out when their family members, friends, neighbours, strangers etc. would be out of town and he would burglarize their house. Our family was shocked when my great aunt caught him in the act. She called the police on him, and he and his sister were arrested. He is serving 30 years and I think she is serving 10, but I am not positive because their parents passed away when they were younger. If their parents had been alive, we probably would have supported them through the hard time of, essentially, losing their kids. But they weren't, and there wasn't really anything we could do. I know my great-aunt asked why, and he replied because it's something to do and I need the money (he pawned the items he stole).

    So, if I caught someone stealing from me, I would most likely smack them and start yelling, then proceed to call the cops. The hitting and yelling is just because that's my personality :) lol  

  11. well they wouldn't be getting any Christmas cards of  me . . .

  12. i would disown them

  13. Unless someone else had a gun to their head, they would no longer be a part on my family.


  14. hate them

  15. If I was 100% sure it was them, I would for sure confront them about it!  

  16. leave messages in drawers they are going to look through-say stop taking my sh*t


    tell them youve put up security cameras bc things are coming up missing

  17. I would discuss my feelings and evidence with them, and ban them from coming over.   Chances are, this relative has a drug or alcohol problem, and probably should get some help.

  18. ummm...burglarize their home i guess

  19. I stopped having a relationship with my sister because of this. She is a drug addict and supports a drug addict that she has been living with for years. My brothers keep trying to rescue her and she keeps stealing.  Last year she came to my older brother's house where I live part time and stayed a month.  While was away working in another State, she stole about $2000 worth of goods from me and stole my brother's credit card, skipped town, and racked up a $12,000 bill.  This is what you have to look forward to if you maintain a relationship with a thief.

    If you can get the person into rehab and they want to change their behavior, great. Otherwise, end all contact or you will continue to be hurt.

  20. This happened to me.

    But i wasnt completely sure.

    If you are completely sure, confont them about it and ask them to please return it and youll try to forgive them.

    If you dont have direct proof, try telling people in your family "oh, such and such thing has gone missing, has anyone seen it?" including the suspected burglar. Also, keep an eye out when at their house (unless they live with you, and then when in their room) for anything you percieve is something stolen from you. Ask to see their jewlerry collection if its jewlerry that was stolen, clothing collection if it was clothing and so on. Be CASUAL about it, often time you will find the missing object and they will casually laugh it off, sayng how they wonder how it got there. If this happens, tell them that I would really appreciate it if you would ask before borrowing my things, or something casual like that, kind of a subtle reprimand.

    DONT be nasty or argumentative about it, that only causes family feuds. If the burglarizing continues, stop inviting them over to your house or into your room (if they live with you, put a lock on your room). Maybe that'll send them the message a little more clearly.  

  21. I would confront them and let them know they aren't welcome at my home any more and tell them how much they hurt me.  I would change the locks and take security measures and report them to the police.

  22. Cut them off, period.

  23. That is always a Catch-22. As it happens my family is IN that very situation, my nephew robbed my daughter and son-in-law, cleaned them out. It was his third felony strike so he's back in prison now for life. His mother won't speak to us and actually blames the kids for them being robbed. It's a no win.  

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