
What would you do if a guy was staring at you?

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My neighbor stares at me with his window down everytime he drives by but never waves or nods, just stares. Is he trying to flirt with me? If I look back does that mean I am flirting. I am married but I am a Leo and I love attention (I'm selfish). What to do, what to do?




  1. If I don't want the attention, I ignore.  Make sure he sees the wedding band.  etc...

    I recently had an older guy that I kept seeing in the grocery store that kept talking to me.  At first, I thought it was innocent, so I talked to him and was my normal self.  Then, one time, I looked up while I was working (I'm a sales rep.) and he was standing there staring at me from the other end of the aisle.  It really creeped me out so I began giving him the cold shoulder.  I saw him today and it's obvious that it's working.  No long chit-chatting.  Yay.

    I am sometimes too friendly and men take my friendliness the wrong way.  

    Maybe that guy doesn't even realize he's staring?  I'd at least wave to bring him out of his trance.

  2. odd. just be careful.

  3. Just do what one woman did to me when i looked at her window.. she waved back at me.. that took me quite by surprise..  I had not seen her.  so i waved back but was all blushed and never did it again.  just in case..  so wave at him.  either he will wave back or disappear quickly inside.. xx

  4. Maybe he finds you attractive, but it does sound weird to me.  Being a man, I would at least nod to acknowledge that I saw you.

  5. be careful. :-S

  6. Loving attention could get you into a lot of trouble and this guy does what? Just stares at you when he drives by? Doesn't sound good to me. Sounds creepy in fact or could he just be a shy neighbor. Be cautious,  ok?

  7. Any "normal" person who is staring at you would at least wave to not seem weird.  I would not be paying any attention to him if he only stares.  If he was waving I would give a wave back, but if he's just staring you need to steer away from that.  He could be a psycho.

  8. if he knows u c him then he wants attention b careful if things dont seem right or he duz more (e.x. harassment) call the fuzz

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