
What would you do if aliens invaded Earth :O?

by  |  earlier

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what would you do




  1. board on the next plane to the arctic circle

    way too cold 4 them there!

  2. rob a bank, steal a car, then smoke a joint....all the things i've never done.

    oh yeah...then run like h**l cause i don't wanna be locked in a cement block while the rest of the world is on fire! lol

  3. Run to walmart and hide behind the place where the milk is!!!

    After hitting the hunting department of course!

    It seems safe there :D

  4. loot a gun store and start kicking alien ***

  5. I'd start off partying with them, then get them tree-hugging drunk and take them to a tattoo parlor and goad them into getting tattoo's. Something like 'Born In The USA"

  6. Why is everyone jumping to the conclusion that aliens come to harm us?

    What if they want to help us overcome global warming, world poverty ect.?

  7. I live in California! We Already have illegal aliens invading here! ha ha silly we give them jobs, go to school with them and then complain about it even though we pay them minimum wage! ha ha

  8. scream and hide under my bed, just like everyone else. but hopefully they don't invade earth any time soon.

  9. I would welcome them, and apologize for us being so rude to them. I mean if they are out there, we are kind of invading their planets by constantly sending people up into space. Why don't we just enjoy the planet we have, and stop polluting on it so it will last!  

  10. Hide in an underground basement like Tom Cruise did.

    ^ lol? make friends with them? I'm sure they will be happy to reply you back with a bunch of needles.

  11. all h**l would break loose i would go on an alien killing spree  

  12. Ask them if they can do a better job running this planet,than the a******s running it right now!!!!!!

  13. Sell you all out to protect my family.

    EDIT: Chris -- you're thinking of either "Alien Nation" or "Day of the Triffids"...

  14. kill their children..................idk join the core and kik sum A$$

  15. Run to my boyfriend's house.

  16. Assuming they don't all drop dead from flu after 2 weeks, I guess it's off to the Army recruiting office.  Mind you, if we're going to be battling rabid beasties from another galaxy, I'm not sure the old L85A2 is quite up to the job...

  17. :0

  18. run around in circles

  19. spray them with salt water.... hey it worked in the thing didn't it? or is that the wrong movie

  20. go streaking cause it wouldnt matter anymorr.

  21. i would be friend them or freack out u chose

  22. Stock up on the food and the ammo. Protect my family against the looting and the killing that would surely come in the aftermath. Then.... I could start worrying about how to fight the aliens if there were still any fighting spirit left in the population.

  23. Join in the fight to eradicate them.. just like in the movies!

  24. Shove my steel toed boot up thier......! Of course if they had one; otherwise, they won't have a head!

  25. Scream and faint, then shoot all the aliens dead.

  26. Kill as many as i could....

  27. i dunno, kind of an in the moment thing. probably a mix of resident evila nd war of the worlds though.

  28. i would offer them a cookie

  29. make friends with them :)

  30. I would beg them to please take me with them back to their planet

  31. What do you mean invaded Earth? They are already here. In fact you and I are aliens. We are prisoners on this planet. Thats what this planet is....a Prison. Like it or not! Get someone to hypnotize you and find out your ancient past. Any time you see a ufo, its another alien race dropping off another prisoner.

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