
What would you do if an adult had an erection when near children?

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If there was an adult who is near children and one of your child(ren) was there and he got a ***** while he was near your child(ren) and other children what would you do?




  1. Point it out to to him in a very socially disgruntled "that's not appropriate" manner and see what his response is. Could be he was just thinking of you.  

  2. I think that person needs to speak to a psychiatrist before they act upon it.  This may prevent something bad from happening.  This is definitely not safe for children, especially when it's your child that may be in harms way.  That's really all I know to suggest.

  3. Is this in a nudist camp?

  4. Well, sometimes guys cant really control their erections, but it would be pretty odd for a guy to have an erection near children and not move himself. I would expect him to move away first, and if he doesnt, I will. And I will make sure by the look on my face that I am not happy with him.

  5. while  telling  him  what  you notice   POINT  to it  ..  see  what  he  says..  and   tAKE IT FROM  THERE..   BE  UNDERSTANDING!

  6. THrow a brick at his head and make sure that perv is never near my child again....

  7. Brandon, you're a trip....LMFAO

  8. If you know the guy's name, google it. Some predators are required, if they move, or just based on terms of parole and probation, to register as a s*x offender with the police in the town they live in. The public has a right to know, you see, if someone is a filthy pedophile. We have a duty to protect our children.

    Maybe the guy's name will come up, maybe it won't.

    or you could talk to the person and find out what was going on. But I can't think of any reason that is acceptable for a grown man to be aroused to that state around children. But who knows, as I'm not a man, I don't have that particular bit of anatomy.  However, As an adult who was victimized as a child, I have very little tolerance for people who would seek to hurt children.

    Honestly, my personal reaction would probably be to shoot him and find out later if he was a danger to society, or my children. But please, don't do anything based on my irrational anger.

  9. Tuck it under my belt, obviously.


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