
What would you do if another prohibition started at this moment?

by Guest65338  |  earlier

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like the one on alcohol and everyone was doing moonshine and stuff




  1. CRY!!

  2. make my own

  3. I'd laugh at the government for not learning their lesson the first time and continue to homebrew beer.

    When prohibition started Tax Agents (predecessors to the ATF) numbered in the 600 range. With in one year there were more than 3,000.

    Murder and crime rates hit an all time high during the 13 years of Prohibition. Higher than even today.

    And finally...the government lost more than 13 BILLION dollars in tax income over the 13 years...13B is not taking into account inflation. Today they would loose nearly a trillion a year.

    It is a laughable idea. People we drink no matter what the law tells them.



  5. nothing

  6. Move out of the country.

  7. have my drinks bootlegged through a bowling alley

  8. That would be hilarious.  I don't even drink, but I might become a winemaker for my own personal use just for grins.

  9. I would go on a rampage with guns and knives and my bare hands.

  10. I'd start making my own wine and consider moving to Canada.

  11. make white lightning. don't be silly.

  12. I'd probably go stark raving mad. I'd survive, but I wouldn't be a happy camper.

  13. Get into the beer making hobby, big time!!!

  14. Hello Kiran, can you keep a secret??

    I would immediately start making my own

  15. ha! I'd lose my job!!

  16. Time to make the still bigger.

  17. start a still and get some money out of the deal.

  18. dats why we should all have back upp alcohol if that were to ever happen....and sneakk ittt...

    even when it happened yrs ago their were still lil undercover bars that sold beer to ppl so now that techn. is better and were smarterrr it'll b easier for uss...

  19. I'd stop drinking.

  20. I don't drink so I wouldn't be missing anything.

  21. bootleg or just go insane

  22. You can make wine from canned Welch's grape juice, sugar and yeast and all those things can be purchased at any grocery store. :o)

  23. Start using methamphetamine and heroin like I use to when I was younger

  24. do moonshine again, or illegally sneak it

  25. Move to Canada or Amsterdam as I own a bar and would soon be out of work.

  26. Umm... protest!!!

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