
What would you do if earth lost its gravity and we all started floating around?

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  1. The planetmight colapse and we'd die as soon as we reached outer space (no oxygen)

    So we could do nothing!

  2. Die.

  3. Float around...

  4. id fly, itd be so much fun

  5. Well I'm pretty sure we'd all die fairly soon - one way or another but then I don't know....

    certainly if we drifted out of the earth's atmosphere we would as space is a vacuum and it's much harder to breathe at higher altitudes - we would quickly lose all muscle tone and getting food etc. would be a nightmare....

    to get a rough idea research the effect of weightlessness on astronauts in space

  6. Wow! this wud b fun!  I would fly with the planes and stroke all the birds and then I would fly off to planet mars to meet the martians!

  7. if poor earth couldnt hold us down anymore then that`s about the end of that


  9. We wouldn't need to do anything. We'd all be dead long before things got to that stage.

    Our bodies are built to withstand gravity - and if the force decreased by very much, presumably we would just disintegrate.

  10. id jump off a clif, it'd be brilliant ultimate adrenalin rush!!!!!

  11. Throw that dam apple back up into the tree!

  12. we'd die when we left the atmosphere

  13. HAHA!! Umm... Probably enjoy being weigh-less. But I would get tired of it because I like being on the ground! I am scared of HEIGHTS! :))

  14. Odd, i have this dream often! @.@ maybe im just high~!

  15. I would swim through the air and see how fast I could get, and just have as much fun as possible before our inevitable deaths.

  16. I guess I would just hang around

  17. i will do sky dancing....

  18. Probably die ...

  19. Fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but we'd die before that...

  20. If earth lost its gravity, the atmosphere would gradually dissipate into space, and we would suffocate.

  21. probably suffocate very slowly since oxygen particles would also float away

  22. If the earth lost its gravity, everyone would fly in a tangential line away from the earth at a velocity of 100 miles per hour.

  23. hold on to the nearest lampost

  24. earth lost its gravity then will be attracted by another planet or star.We all will have no existence then

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