
What would you do if global warming was suddenly proved wrong?

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Ok let's suddenly say that a group of scientists proved there were enough holes in global warming to prove it was wrong. Now let say the majority of scientists after argueing for a while eventually and widely accepted the change.

Also global warming would never of happened in those 50 years they predicted or anything like that so it was proved completely wrong so no OH the world would come to an end because of ignorance sort of stuff.

What would you personally do if that even happened? Argue more? Agree that global warming is not real? I posted a question liek this before but since there are quite a lot more memebers who post now i reckon they should see this question




  1. I would ask: "What is causing the current environmental catastrophies attributed to Global Warming?"

    The symptoms are real, measured and obvious; I still want to know the disease causing them.

  2. We're humans. We're not happy unless we're fighting with each other. We would just continue to argue or find something else to argue over.

  3. Now I understand why the question was asked about Global Warming being a religion.  When I read Qbert's answer, it sounds just like the question, "What if it was proven that God does not exist?".  Just as a Christian or Muslim can't even imagine a scenario where that was proven, members of the Church of Global Warming, such as Qbert, can not even imagine a world where there beliefs were proven false.

    It makes you wonder who really has the open minds.

  4. Well, I would have to disagree with these scientists and assume they had been paid off by someone.

    Global warming is real, there is no doubt about that. None what-so-ever.

    The only question is to WHAT extent humans have had to do with it.

    (It wouldn't be accepted.  It is a pointless question.  It is like asking "What if everyone accepted that Pink is now Blue?")

  5. i would probably still try to be green because whether or not it is real, the effort to stop global warming has other great effects. Like America will get rid of its oil dependency and be more self sufficient. Everything will be cleaner. Even little things like getting rid of smog in LA. It still makes the world a nicer place.

  6. I'd probably go polar bear hunting.

    And pollute more.

  7. If the majority of climate scientists agreed there is no global warming,  of course I would change my view.

    Not to do so would show I was a chuckled headed idiot more concerned with my world view than facts.. After all, being out of kilter with the majority of reputable scientists on this issue would put me in the same position as are present day warming skeptics.

  8. I would buy a hummer, drive up to Alaska and club a seal.

  9. I'd continue to plant trees to help scrub all the plution and CO2 out of the air we breathe.

  10. Nothing different than what i am doing now

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive

    forces at work

    If this was removed from the list it still leaves

    deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers,Loss of habitat and Animal extinctions

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world.;...


    And all of these still need to be addressed ,and if Global warming turned out to be fantasy  ,it would change nothing about the things that I advocate,

    because the destructions of nature and natural resources is still real


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,so lots of plants means lots of humidity ,the one causing the other.and visa versa

    With the least growth, like deserts the ground is directly in the sun .

    To make a desert where once there was a forest, means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

  11. Two different questions- if it wasn't happening and if scientists said it wasn't happening.   I can plainly see its happening outside my door.

      If it actually wasn't happening, I'd celebrate, then continue to live the way I already do.   Why would I want to go out and buy a gas guzzler when prices of fuel are already too high?  Or buy a large house when the market is falling so fast?

  12. id prolly laugh

  13. I would laugh at anyone I ever debated with.

  14. I'd have to get ready for the next annoying scare or threat to tax me into submission.

  15. Al Gore would be finished in regards to having any sort of credibility.  Some people would want him to serve time for profiting on this scam.

  16. I'd open a temp agency for mediocre scientists....SOMEONE'S got to clean the glassware!

  17. I would be very surprised if the research reversed itself and science came to the conclusion that we were in a short-term warming trend similar to the short term cooling trend reported around the 1940s-1960s.  I would be less surprised if AGW was found to be less of an influence on global warming than presently thought.  Regardless, I don't see an abrupt reversal, and I believe there are significant climate changes going on that can't be explained away as easily as some would pretend.

    As far as what I would do, I wouldn't change a thing to speak of.  Fuel, energy and food costs are increasing expotentially due to competition (among other things) and the impact of 6 billion + humans on the planet is undeniable, AGW or no.  We need to be more responsible in how we manage our environment, and we need to develop alternative energy sources.  If the attention to global warming has accomplished one thing, it is that it is finally leading to the serious development of technologies that will wean us off our dependence on fossil fuels.  That is a good thing regardless of the outcome of GW/'s a shame that alternative energy was basically ignored for 30 years when we all knew this day was coming eventually.

    I'd also remain intolerant of people who think they don't have any responsibility to do their share to take care of the environment.  There are a few people here who have flat out said they are going to go ahead and use even MORE of our finite resources as some sort of protest against what the environmental whizzes are telling us-I am EXTREMELY intolerant of that kind of attitude and at least verbally aggressive in my response to it.  But YA is the only place I have ever heard of people having that outlook.  Maybe I don't get out enough.

  18. I would immediately stop evolving!

    Oh, and you shouldn't call it global warming, its called climate change.

  19. I think I would sigh from relief for the return to sense that this would entail (I believe Global Warming is natural).

    If I was a believer though, and that happened, I'd say I would be humiliated.

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