
What would you do if one day you realized you didn't have any friends

by  |  earlier

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Please note: your're not mean nor do you talk about your problems.




  1. I would join group activities, participate in community affairs, or do volunteer work.

    The best rule of thumb is "to acquire friends is to be a friend".  In other words show people that you do care about them.  Offer a helping hand.  

    You don't have to be mean or not talk about your problems not to have friends.  Think about it.  Do you have a pleasant personality, do you have a pleasant disposition.  Always keep a smile on your face.  When you see someone you know greet them like  you really are glad to see them. Inquire how they feel, and what is new in their life.  Be sincere when you do this.  

    Interestingly enough people do get vibes from others on how others feel towards them.  There is an old saying, "one heart feels another".  So put yourself out there, and friends will flock towards you.

  2. I would try to make some new ones.  I feel that everyone should have a friend.  I also think that you may need some brushing up on "the skills to be a friend".  

  3. Like all my friends forgot who I was and I had a clean slate?

    Oh my God that would be the greatest opportunity given to me EVER! I would be the new guy in town, make all my old friends real fast 'cause I know all about 'em and how they are, have a clean slate with some exes that aren't so friendly with me these days, and all the girls that were bitchy to me before I got pretty wouldn't remember the grudge I have against them, and would totally ask me out! And I could get rid of some sloppy first impressions I made in the past... Get in the good stead of my current supervisor Dave... and I wouldn't hesitate to ask some new girls out!

    Haha! :D

  4. I'd go get some.

  5. That is what I am going through right now and basically I feel depressed right now

  6. I won't bother me. In fact "friends" mean more problems.

  7. I would consider my social habits.  Do you participate in activities?  Get out more.  However, even World of Warcraft junkies have friends albeit online.

  8. I'd spent lots of time on yahoo answers

  9. I used to have really old friends...all of them were over 70 and I was in my early 40's.  My best friend, who was 83, died and the group broke up because things just started changing and suddenly I had no one.  That was 9 years ago and I am still without friends, I have acquaintances but no one I can count on for any true friendships.  If I spend any time thinking about it I cry and feel sorry for myself but what can I do?  I spend a lot of time with my granddaughter which helps a lot but not having a true friend is very difficult for me.  I have a great husband who I like as well as love but it's just not the same.

  10. Try to get new ones. I moved 16 times between the age of 12 and 18 and I could never keep any friends once I had moved.

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