
What would you do if one of your best friends played another one of your best friends and told you like this?

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hey im katie im 14 and i need your help

ok so my best friends jenna was suposily seeing my other best friend casey...

but a few days later casey IM's me and says this

C@$EY says:

hey katie u hafta keep a secret....and if you dont ima tell erri one urs

katie... says:



C@$EY says:

im just playin wit jenna

katie... says:


C@$EY says:

idk cus i can get **** outta her


dont tell though

katie... says:

i wont but come on kinda mean

C@$EY says:

yea i kno....cus u kno how we made out in ****

yea i made out with a di girl on fri

katie... says:


C@$EY says:

idk a girl names katrina from wilson

I ended up telling jenna the hole story and waht had happend i showed her thsi convo too. but now casey and i arnt friends anymore and i jsut wanted to know if i made a big mistake or not by telling jenna

and the secret taht casey knew about me was that i had a brain tumor and he was the one who was with me through all the months of doctor apt and hospital visits at taht time we were pretty close he was like a brother to me




  1. you just tel ur friend how you feel

    honesty is the best.

    if you feel bad for your friend. (which i doubt there's TONS of boyz waiting for her out there so she shouldn't feel bad) tell her some good news. its bad for casey to take advantage of you like that. he's ur CLOSE friend.

  2. get your self new friends ..  

  3. I don't think that you are wrong in this situation because Casey was the person who was playing with Jenna. And that secret thing isn't such a big deal, it's just a brain tumor, and it's not going to humiliate you that badly. But you could've chosen a different way of doing things, like talking to another person about it, like your siblings, or some adult who's close to you. Well, you can't change what you do, and you can't get it back. Just keep going forward.

  4. you did the right thing -- you stuck up for your friend, and let her know someone was treating her disrespectfully.

    just remember, if casey was treating jenna like this, he would be very likely to treat others this way. casey doesn't seem like the person who would be very loyal, or even trustworthy down the road.

  5. u did make a big mistake because u didn't keep your secret and that maks him think that your not a good friend I mean I know u care about Jennna  but how could u just leave Casey out like that. Now he's probably not going to trust u anymore... But if I was u I would try to apologize....

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