
What would you do if???

by  |  earlier

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You babysat and the mother didn't pay you enough?

This is what happened: I met this woman last week and babysat her kids twice. the agreement was $15 an hour to watch her four kids.

So, the first day her husband paid me $60 for 4 hours and the next day she paid me $40 for 2 hours and 40 minutes ($15. an hour = $5. every 20 minutes).

The third day, I worked 7.5 hours. She came home and the kids were running all around her, crying and yelling. She quickly wrote me a check for $95. She actually owed me about $112.50. I thought she did it on purpose b/c she thought I wouldn't notice, but then I thought maybe she was just frazzled from the long day at work and the kids running all around so she did the math wrong.

I am going to babysit for her again in a week, that'll be the next time i see her. Should I tell her she did the math wrong and owes me another $22? What would you do?




  1. ask about it. either shell tell you your doing a shiat job or she will amend her mistake  

  2. Talk to her.. I am sure babysitting for 4 kids is not easy. but it's very well paid to get $15 per hour.. if you are a trained Personal support worker and you have to take care of 10 people who need to be washed, dressed, fed, their beds made, they need a shower, there are emergencies, you need to lay the table you need to serve them lunch you need to lift them in and out of bed.. you need to talk to them for 8 hours every day and you only get a maximum of 17 dollars for severely mentally or physically disabled people to take care of.. compared to that. 15 dollars and hour to take care of 4 kids is good money..  even if it is a challenge to look after 4 but not as tough as also having to work against the clock.. you have to get things done by a certain time if you are a health care worker and that is the most stressful part of it not the actual work and for that to get 17 dollars an hour for looking after 10 people for 8 hours and also do it every other weekend is not a lot of money.. Still I understand.. just talk to her in a polite way.. There is nothing wrong with telling her.. just say it politely maybe it didn'[t happen on purpose.. maybe she had her mind on other things.

  3. You should have pointed it out the first time, but since you didn't you should definitely make her, or him aware of it so the money doesn't keep adding up unpaid.

  4. I would talk to her about it.  Remind her that before you started baby-sitting for her the agreement was $15 an hour, and that she short changed you a few times.  If she can't pay you the proper agreed amount, then I wouldn't work for her.

  5. lt may well have been an oversight on her behalf.l would dismiss what she owes you this time around.See what she gives you when you babysit in a weeks time.lf she underpays you ...then mention the agreement you initially had and then this would be the time to also bring up what is owing from the previous babysitting job.

  6. I would keep time in a journal showing my time from here on out and have her initial it.  I would also point it out to her that she short-changed me.  My time should be paid for.  Don't get angry or defensive.  State the facts and be professional.

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