
What would you do if somebody called you dumb behind your back?

by  |  earlier

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Would you confront them about it or let it go?




  1. Well, if they did it behind my back I guess I wouldn't know about it then, would I?

  2. let it go.... don't give importance to such a thing . I don't think it is worth your time....  

    the person who called you that name behind your back is probably jealous of you.  

  3. I would politely confront them of it.  

  4. Just let it go. Its so much easier.  

  5. I know im "dumb" Everyone is dumb, but in certain things. Im dumb in math, but im pretty smart in everything else, so let them. Besides, i have a mouth, cant i say dumb too?

  6. Don't do anything.  

  7. I would go to them and let them know that you know what they said. Confrontation is not bad, be honest and kind; be better than them.

  8. Let it go. Try acting a little more smart in front of that person

  9. id b like " say it in my face!!" hehe, yeah thats what id do. or ask him 4 da reason hes sayin it.

  10. Let it go...or the next time I see them, say hey, remember me?  The dumb one? Then I'd laugh because I know I'm not dumb.

  11. itd let it go its not like they called u a s**t or nething its dumb to get mad about something like that maybe shoot em a couple of dirty looks though

  12. I'd wonder more about the person who told you than about the one who made the judgment - trying to stir things up a bit?  Don't worry about it and don't behave stupidly.

  13. i would ignore. so the somebody will stop cuz u have no reaction.

  14. I just don't know.

    I'm so freaking stupid I'd probably have to ask someone.  

  15. kill them with kindness. At least they won't be able to call you a b*tch behind your back.

  16. probably not.  i don't really care.

  17. I would tell them that I can speak perfectly well.  If you are dumb, you are unable to speak.  Perhaps you are not educated enough to understand this.

  18. let it go

  19. I wouldn't. People will always say not so nice things you have to learn to let things go unless it really bothers you confront them.

  20. ignore them

  21. I would prove to them that I am not. So basically I would let it go. It might sound contradicting but you have to really think about it.  

  22. i would get over it their not worth it if they do that.

  23. if it's behind your back, how would you know? some machiavellian "friend" told you? Everybody talks about everybody. that's human nature. 99% of the time you do not expect the person to know. this person who relayed the "message" needs to be told to stop creating drama.

    read this now, heed it later.

  24. I'd laugh.  Of my many failings, being dumb is not one.  

    If it's someone I care about, I'd ask why they think I'm dumb.  If it's someone who doesn't matter to me, I'd let it go.

    If you think you there might be a bit of truth in their statement, then get educated!

  25. Do you care about this person/relationship? Or is this someone who is on the periphery of your life, an acquaintance?  If this is an important relationship that you would like to continue, I would confront the person, but carefully. If you don't care about this person, then don't care about what he/she thinks or calls you, either. Let it go.

    Choose to expend your energy only on things and people that matter.

  26. I'd wonder more about the person that told you than the person that said it.  Why would they tell you?  What is the point of letting you know that?  Whoever told you is just stirring the pot.  I'd confront that person.

    I'm sure people have called me worse, and will again.  I don't care to know.  And don't care that they said it.  

  27. I'd let it go. All your going to do is make drama. If they deny it there is no getting through. If they agree with it, you just have drama. People say things. Its life! Lots of luck! :)

  28. Let it go, of  course.

    If someone calls you a "tree" does that make you a tree.  No, that's silly.

    Just consider the source.  Plus, what kind of person calls you names behind your back??  Not someone you want to waste time and energy on, that's for sure.

  29. Do nothing, just keep it with you and watch said person, they will do something to you directly eventually and then you can let fly. It is possible they said nothing at all, never act on second hand info.

  30. That happens to me a lot unfortunately. I am working at a new place and I always have to ask questions because I'm still learning.  I seriously feel SO STUPID all of the time. So today I finally said something because it was really getting to me and they really supported me. I told the person in the highest position too. I work with all women and let's face it, most women are gossiping b*****s.

  31. No, let it go because it could end up into a fight and if your serious about getting into a good college ect. it's a bad idea.

    I don't care what people think about me and I don't get emberressed because I know myself and I know my friends know me too, you should try and be more like me because I'm perfect :)

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