
What would you do if someone at your sleepover looked ugly without makeup?

by Guest66497  |  earlier

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Okay this is a hypothetical question.

Say if someone was like one of the better looking people in your class. And when you all are at a sleepover they take their makeup off to go to sleep. And they are like hideous! What would you do/think.

Also if you were the person. Would you take off your makeup or just sleep with it on for one night.

Once again this is a hypothetical question. Please don't think I'm trying to be rude at all, because I really am not.




  1. First off, let me say, I don't think I would mind. If a person thought someone looked hideous without the makeup, they are SHALLOW and need to start accepting that person. No matter how bad a person may look, you have to face the facts that this is who they are and that the only hideous person is yourself, if you judge a person by how they look.

    I, personally think I look ugly without concealer and blush and sometimes afraid to sleepover at my boyfriend's house. But he can accept me for that and even reassures me that I look just as gorgeous (he said it, not me) as i do with the makeup, or even better. He makes me feel really confident about my natural beauty now and I'm not afraid anymore.

    I would just take off the makeup. If you think about it, you're not impressing anybody when you sleep. It sounds really ridiculous. that a person has to feel that way, that only having make up on makes them feel better about themselves. To me, I would tell that person to get over it and stop worrying about how they look.     Outter beauty fades,  so don't get too attached! =)

  2. Actually I've had that happen to one of my relatives. The thing is, SHE was the person that didn't look so good without makeup. But she has a very healthy self esteem, and even though she does put on too much make up, I think it's only because she likes it. So when a friend actually told her that she didn't look so good without makeup on, she just giggled and let it pass! She doesn't even care, and I think it's really how you see yourself or how others regard you based on your achievements and personality that matters!

  3. Put a bag over their head.

  4. if i were the girl, id just sleep with my makeup on... then when you get up put more on haha... then b*****s cant talk **** cause they wont know:-p

  5. *rofl at the girl above me*

    To be honest, I don't care if a girl is ugly or not because I like men. If another female is ugly, why should I care? I'm her friend not her love interest.

    - Pepper.

  6. I'm not that shallow, so I wouldn't care!

  7. I would be like omg and flip out. Because my life is that exciting.  

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