
What would you do if someone bought your car with a counterfeit check?

by  |  earlier

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You list your car in the newspaper....say a 2001 Honda Civic (i.e), you get a call from someone who wants to come see your car... He comes, very polite and professional....everything seems routine. He takes the vin number and tells you that he will be back in an hour after he checks carfax. You agree on the price. He calls you back in an hour and tells you that he is at the bank and he needs you to confirm how to spell your name on the check. He tells you to bring the car to a garage and meet him there (as you need a mechanical safety inspection before you get plates) meet him there, you sign over the title, give the keys, he gives you a check (bank is closed and it's friday)

Monday you go to the bank they tell you the check is counterfeit.....your car is long gone.

What would you do?




  1. report the car as stolen  and make sure you let them know it was paid for by a counterfeit check

  2. Call the police ASAP

  3. Go apply for a dulicate title, making the title he has now worthless.  Call the police and make a stolen vehicle report. Fraud, theft and everything else.  See if the cops can get finger prints off the check or the pen or anything else he touched at your home.  In the future, always try and get cash, can it can also be counterfiet.  Always call the bank beofe delivery to verify the funds are available for that much.  They will always tell you.  Tell the bank (name of buyer) is writing me a check for $$$ and I would like to verify the available funds to see if the check will clear.

  4. I would call the polive right away and report the car stolen and tell them that the man gave you a counterfeit check and they will try and track the car..So calll now.

  5. While he was doing all this Carfax checking and mechanical checking, you should have said "oh by the way, I want cash"  He certainly had plenty of time to go to the bank and withdraw the money.

    Maybe trace the title back to him thru the DMV.

  6. First I'd kick myself is the A$$ for being so ignorant and gullible, then I'd call the police.

    All checks are worthless until proven otherwise.  You should have never transfered the title until the check cleared.

  7. Contact the police. He committed a couple of felonies.

  8. Contact the county district attorneys office to report a bad check and a stolen car.

    Since he has called you twice, you have his number on caller id, right?  That will help.  And of course you got a copy of his drivers license information before taking a check, right?  That will also help.

    Good luck.

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