
What would you do if someone called your child a bast*rd child? Marriage important or outdated?

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I recvd a msg from another user because she called someones question idiotic and In my answer I pointed out that it was not needed and rude. (she has a history of rude answers)

Anyway she sent me this email....

Message: You have got to be kidding me! As if YOU have any room to be judging ANYONE else or making ANY comments? You have children out of wedlock for crying out loud! Get a life and stop worrying so much about other people's answers and worry more about the b*stard children you are producing!

Yeah i'm pregnant and unmarried...but I dont see how marriage makes someones relationship or ability to be a mother better.

ANYWAY, I didn't reply to her email and wont. But i'm wondering what would you do if someone called your child/unborn child a bast*rd?

Do you believe being married is important or out dated?

(the scary thing is this woman is a mother of two)




  1. I believe that marriage is good for me, however I wasn't married when I had my first child. Even though I did marry my son's father, I married him because I loved him and not because I already had a child with him.

    In my opinion, the term "b*stard" should be thrown out. It's just uncalled for. The amount of children being born out of wedlock is growing, and they grow up just like other kids. How they are raised and treated make more of a difference whether their parents are married or not.

    While we're at it, let's throw out the term "knocked up" too.

  2. I'm a bast*rd, it never bothered me. I also use the word, I'am married but if i wasn't a someone a child of mine (fictitious of course as i am childless) I don't think it would bother me. Now if my child was called an abomination (which i've been called) I'd smack someone cause thats beyond taking words too far.

    I think marriage is important but i don't think it is for everyone nor do i think people should get married because of pregnancy.

  3. I think it is very rude for someone to tell you that you are having a b*****d child.  Like a hormonal pregnant lady needs that!

    However, I do agree that marriage is very important.  Children are meant to be raised by a married man and woman.  This way you have two committed people caring for and raising the child while supporting one another.  You can argue until you're blue in the face thatunmarried mothers have the same support system, but it is just not true.

    I'm not saying that all single mothers are incompetent by any means, but they have a much harder journey ahead of you.  In both married and unmarried relationships there are good mother and is irrelavent though.

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and baby

  4. I believe that marriage is a piece of paper the government gives you.  It does not change anyones relationship or how a family is.  My fiance and I have been together for almost 5 years.  We have a 6.5 month old daughter.  We will get married one day, when we want to.  As of now, theres no point, we are a family.  We are married in our eyes, and we dont see how a piece of paper will make things better.  I say as long as your not having kids left and right with different guys, then who cares if your not married as long as your in a loving relationship.  People like to put others down who dont share the same ideas as them.  I mean look how many people bash single mothers/fathers or even same s*x couples.  The world is just full of hate, and people look for every tiny thing to put their stupid opinions in.


    On a lighter note my Fiancee was born out of wedlock and he was at the wedding of his parents. He and I have been together for 6 years and are not married but have a 1 year old son and a Baby Girl coming this winter. We don't need a peice of paper saying that we now have the same last name just to make others happy. our family comes first and we have been engaged for 2 1/2 years had a wedding planned but we ended up having a baby and using our saved up wedding money to provide for our family so no as long as you bring a baby into a safe enviorment and have plenty of love in your life then you are set. You do not have to be married... BTW I associate a b*****d with a man who leaves his family and feels no remorse.

  6. I do think that marriage is very important. Do I think that an unwed parent is anything less than a married parent? NO! My mom is a single parent with three children and she did just fine!

    Now yes I do believe that marriage is important! But these days you almost have to wait several years before thinking about getting married. It has become to easy for someone to get a divorce. Look at these stupid reality shows that show marriage as a joke! Never rush into marriage just because you are pregnant or because you have had a child with the person! Its easy for Britney Spears to get divorced in 48 hours but it isn't that simple for the rest of us who make the mistake of marrying the wrong person.

    Never let anyone bring you down! Keep a strong head and tell the rest of the jerks out there where they can shove it.

  7. I was single when I had my first child and honestly I probably would have punch anyone that called my daughter that to me in person.

    Now, over the net I let it slide as people have a tendancy to think they are superman when the people they talk to will never come face to face with them. They may say things they would never say in person and since I know I will never have to deal with them in person, let them think what they want. This person put in writing that they are not a good person by saying what they did, so why bother with them.

    For the last question about marriage. I believe people get married to fast these days and don;t take the time to make it work. I believe marriage is important,but only if your getting married to be with someone you love forever and will stay that way and work hard to keep together.

  8. first of all,my two children have the same father and we were never married,if anybody ever called my children ba$tard$,i would have to spit in their face.just because the  parties never married does not give anybody the right to call children ba$tard$.

  9. I think its rude for someone to say you have a child out of wedlock because for one its none of their bussiness.. everyone makes misteaks and you didin't get pregnant  by yourseif.. when people say rude things about your children tell them too butt out. and just because the father isn't in the picture doesn't meen your children are b******s!

    hope i helped

  10. If it was a guy and he was saying it face to face, I'd punch him in the mouth.

    Anyway you cut it, it's an insult to my child.

    30 years ago, a classmate revealed (during a class discussion) that his parents had been living together, out of wedlock, for twenty years. They had no different an existence than married couples.

    I believe it's best that people have a committment to each other before they have a child, but marriage (which I support as a public way of expressing that love and committment) does not make that union any more 'real'.

    Marriage does not make a mother better, but a partner in raising a child makes parenting much easier. No marriage required for that.


  11. I am actually against marriage, I don't think it's important, or makes a relationship any stronger or better just because you have a paper from the state.

    There are a lot of people out there who choose to have children out of wedlock and go on to raise their children happily. Yet we see much more of people who are married, getting divorced, and the traumatic effect it has on the child/ren. I think it's just a lot safer to not get married.

    You are a great person, and you will be a wonderful mother, regardless of being married, single, or with your boyfriend. =)

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