
What would you do if someone out of no where just laugh at you for having a skin disorder?

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Yes! this girl look at my Neck and laugh all because I have acanthosis nigricans, what would you do if that happened to you?

what did I do? I didn't do anything, I just stare at her like how dare you? I was so in shock.




  1. Honey, you're awesome! I would have had the damnedest time not punching her lights out. Honestly!

    I don't know what your condition is, but I have some rather unsightly scars and other markings all over my shoulders, and when people stare, I like to suddenly reach out, touch them, and dramatically and sarcastically yell, "Oh, no! Now you're infected!" It points out their lack of manners, and embarrasses the c**p out of them!

    Becky Dawn

  2. I'd rather have a blemish on the outside than a blemish on the inside. Your condition is treatable with things such as Retin-A and treating the underlying cause. Her condition is much more difficult to correct.

  3. How pathetic. What kind of loser makes fun of a person with a skin disorder. Ignore and avoid her as much as possible. Stupid people are not worth acknowledging.

  4. Give her a dirty look and thank the lord (out loud) you didn't have parents as terrible as she must have.  If you're in public, get extra points by saying (and make sure everyone hears), "thanks so much for laughing at my medical condition.  i love to brighten someone's day!"

  5. I would've done the same thing you did. Their comments aren't worth acknowledging and only shows their true character's not becoming to her and if any person she was with witnessed it, I'm sure they were appauled as well.

    Some people have no cooth and she's a perfect example. I have a skin disorder as well and I'll never forget a woman saying to me, "I can't believe you go out of your house looking like that." I was in shock. This is how I look at it......some people are just ignorant. Any disorder a person lives with is not in our control. We didn't ask to live with it, but we do the best we can with the hand we've been dealt. I say it builds character!  Some people think it's the end of the world if they get a pimple....well my thought is they should be grateful that is all it is. I think living with a disorder makes us stronger individuals and really look at life from a different perspective. It is what it is and if others don't like it or feel the need to make a comment about it, oh well. Just like we can't help having a disorder, they can't help being stupid :)

  6. Don't give it a second thought. If she's that shallow and self-centered, the miserably meaningless life she has in store will dwarf any response you could offer.

    On a personal note, I'm the only one in my family who has freckles and apple cheeks. I haven't asked a girl out in about three years because I feel physically disfigured. Even fresh from the shower my face looks dirty. I have all the sympathy in the world for you.

  7. Your reaction was ok. If it happens again, turn your head (and body) to the other side, stay calm and don't pay attention to the person who is laughing

  8. Ignore it, or make fun of something she would be self conscience about.  Pick a body part, most likely she has some sort of image issue with it.

  9. I dont know her, she doesnt know me too...

    But i don't want to be a hypocrite, it feels embarrassing anyway we have different lapses. She might be having a different dilemma in her life also.

    I would feel pity on her because the way she reacts shows that she is ignorant....freak....of the things that's really happening around her.. She might be insecure that see thinks she has an edge because she dont have a skin disorder.!

    For her information.,that's not the basis of real beauty, you know...

    she lacks attention.,,that's why she acted that way!  

  10. dont let it get to u because if u do u might end up gowing down to her level and u dont want that do u just because u have a skin disorder doesnt mean u should be laft at i have alot of acne but u know what i do when people laff at me i laff with them that shuts them up because its like they have nothing to say im not saying its the same thing but ive been teased alot when i was little  

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