
What would you do if someone prank called you?

by  |  earlier

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For example, I got a call from someone I went to high school with. He introduced himself over the phone, and said that there was a 10th year anniversary for the grade 8 class at a bar called Dragonfly in Niagara Falls. Now I didn't believe it for one second because he mentioned that a teacher would be there so I didn't believe it at all. But then I asked a couple of my friends about it just to be on the safe side and they said no they haven't heard of anything like that at all. Then I messaged the guy who talked to me on the phone about this on face book and he completely denied it. I told him "So how did the reunion go? I heard from these guys that there wasn't a reunion?" Then he said, "well I'm in the same boat as them because I didn't hear anything either." Then I said, "Oh really? So you don't remember calling me in the middle of the night asking me to go?" Then he replied, ""

So that just pissed me off right there and I blocked him from face book. But why would someone do that? I mean did I handle this the right way to? What would you have done in this situation?




  1. prank them back at their own game beta them at their own game thats what i do then they get madgo along with them and laugh back just like they do when they prank you

    act as if your pranking them they  get mad just like you would if someone pranked you

  2. Are you absolutely sure it was the same guy that called you? Maybe he makes prank calls in his sleep. I wouldn't waste too much time or energy trying to figure it out. You've done about all you can do.

  3. Come up with a prank with some of your friends that he knows... seriously.. you cannot let this slide.. you have to get him back somehow..  

  4. Did you check to make sure it was really this guy who called you in the first place?  It sounds like he was a clueless as you were in the matter, so maybe someone else was calling claiming to be him.  Try checking your phone records, if it was a cell phone, to see what number you were called from and if it was even his.  Other than that, since it isn't an ongoing thing, you may just have to let it go and be glad that you had the sense to ask around instead of heading out there and looking stupid.

  5. Hang up.

  6. call him a A** and tell him you did his mom last night and her ovaries are still all over your bed

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