
What would you do if someone punched you in the face right now? ur sun/moon/rising?

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yes, a very stupid question...but im very bored and basically, i'm just a loser who has no life outta the computer, so please just answer the d**n question before they send me back to the coocoo house..

thank you

cancer sun (could you guess?)

aries rising (yes..also very noticeable)

taurus moon (idk...i never really related much to my taurus moon...)

oh yeah..and thank you. (oh sh*t..i think i already said that..err..sorry?)




  1. I do not what would I do, I would be scared maybe... I am Aquarius sun, Virgo rising, Gemini moon..

  2. I have never been punched in the face (or at all) my whole life and would like that pattern to continue---lol!  :-)

    Ummm....if someone punched me in the face I would be in absolute shock!  For some reason (and it is very un-Sadge of me) I don't defend myself like I should.  Working on that so the old me would probably cry but the new and improved me I guess would punch them back but I am not sure if it would be in the face because I just do not like violence or blood and I wouldn't want to break their nose or anything like that!  Oh boy, I might be a lost cause- rofl!

  3. lmao

    Your funny.

    If someone punched me I would go cry to my mummy.

    jk..I think I would also Knock them out, this hasn't been

    my best week either, so I'll feel very sorry for whoever

    punches me lol.

  4. i would be knocked out and i could not hit them back

  5. i would flip! are you crazyyyyy!! i would be like oh h**l no this aint happenin! i would go crazy on their ***. i feel bad for them!

    gemini with libra and libra.  libra doesnt come come out in me, at all.

  6. Right at this very moment? I would punch them back.  It has not been a good week for me, and I am willing to take it out on some random person that first punches me in the face.

    Cancer, Scorpio moon, Aquarius rising.

  7. uhhhhhhhhh I would punch him back what the **** is with him.... he's s***w believe me and it's not physical.... cuz i'm smarter than that...

  8. Dodge...?

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

  9. There would be blood...his.


    Cold mercury rules Virgo and Gemini...icy cold.

  10. I'd take my stiletto heel and smack them  right back. Although that would be a total waste of a beautiful shoe. maybe I'd use a frying pan....... those are not being used much anyhow in my house, but than it would be a drag to wash it....

    I don't know..... I'm not much of a fighter I'm more of a lover :)

  11. ...I would punch them twice as hard in the face...

    If they were a guy, I would kick as hard as I could in their nuts!

    No one messes with Wicked...

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

    Taurus Mars

  12. BE LIKE #$^#@& TAKE THAT BACK!!~!

    and turn around and act like im walking away

    then BAM

    then they say


    so i'm like

    'ahah my bad. you got in my way.'

    i'm def. the story teller. yes?!

  13. I would say "I'm just a loser who has no life outta the computer so please just punch me again" =D

    what's about the sunmoonrise'in

  14. ....if it was sudden and uncalled for then I would probably (initially) be stunned - lol - But very quickly I would react .... Very bad temper! I have even blacked out a few times - not good! So if I blacked out, it would be hard to say what I would do (as I never remember) but there would definitely be some damage done!

    If I saw it ahead of time (leading up to the incident) then I would still probably react violently in self defense...if they backed off then I would probably cut them deep with some choice words and/or phrases as I added an evil glare and finger pointing - everyone nearby would know what was going on because I would be loud and make sure others could see this person as the a$$ they are!

    In relationships...same was abused in early adulthood by my own husband (WTF!?- now ex) and I put up with it then because I thought it was my 'duty' as a wife...whatever! I left him within the first year of marriage (cause things just kept getting worse rather than better)...since then I defend myself, usually before it ever gets to a physical fight!!!!!! I can recognize a lot of little signs that can lead to that - nip it in the bud!!!!!!! No way will I ever allow someone to lay their hands on me out of anger again without defending  myself or some type of retaliation!!!!! s***w that!

    Sun - Sag

    Moon - Scorpio

    Rising - Cap

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