
What would you do if someone stole your diary and told all your business?

by  |  earlier

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and now the person wants to come up missing?




  1. i would die! people have no right to do this to any one and i think that was just wrong ya hear me wrong!

    all i can say is move nice knowing you  

  2. why did u ask that

  3. I'm not sure about that second question .... But if someone had my diary.. what can you do? If you know who it is then do something  about it. if you don't know who it is then theres nothing you can do but suck it up and go on with your life.  Next time, you should make sure that your private things are locked up somewhere so that no one can get to them.

  4. I'm not sure about your second question either.... But if someone had my diary.. what can you do?  well, you can do or do something about it but if not LIFE MUST GO ON.

    P.S sometimes its better not to keep a diary just keep it in your thoughts.

  5. I'd take pride in it & point out the good things about it.  

    Just like something of of flaovr of love.  

    Then i'd say thanks for finding me so important to the point you want to talk and think about me.

  6. Keep Friends Close but Enemys Even Closer........

  7. um thats why you dont keep a journal less you know you can keep it safe like locked down or majorly passy protected

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