
What would you do if someone tries to steal your friends?

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There is this one girl who I befriended.She started hanging out with us and she's been mistreating me lately.She tells my friends to ditch me and my friends can't say no to her.They just along with it.Should I let this girl steal my friends?Or just let her have them and find new ones?




  1. say wat. wat kind of friends cant say no to "lets go ditch your good old friend so you guys can hang with me when i just met you" those aren't friends haha. i was gonna say knock his or her lights out when i saw the question but that doesnt apply here haha

  2. This has happened to me before and is happening to me now. I guess you have to say... well my friends arnt sticking with me, I cant trust that they are my friends. But if this keeps happening I would seek advise from your mum or a female teacher, not some stranger over the internet!!!

  3. if someone get success then I'll try to make some true friends not like previuos friends. those were not loyal with me.

  4. That's the police.

  5. If your "friends" are that eager to ditch you and hang with her, then they weren't your friends to begin with.  Ditch THEM and find some good people to spend time with.

  6. If your friends wanna leave you for another girl then let them go.If i was you i would just ignore all of them and get better friends.go luck.bye

  7. If they were truly your friends,she couldn't steal them,find a new group of REAL FRIENDS ,they are not worth your time!!!!!

  8. You shouldnt even be calling them friends ..what a bunch of b*****s

  9. obviously that girl is just a p**p if you dont wanna go out and find new friends fight dirty and turn them against her try to go for sympathy ooh or maybe guilt try 2 make them feel bad about abandoning u or something like that

  10. No one can STEAL friends (unless they kidnap or hypnotize them). At least they can't steal them against their will. If your friends are all ditching you to hang out with this chick then they're probably not very good friends. I would say it's time to find some new ones. But the great thing about living on Earth is there are a lot of people to be friends with. Maybe even some who would stick up for you next time if the new girl is being a jerk.

    Just make sure in finding more that you don't go stealing someone else's friends. I guess that would be kind of ironic, huh?

  11. if your friends would listen to her and leave you then they arent very good friends find new friends  

  12. Real friends wont ditch you just cause some broad said too. Look for new friends.  

  13. i would get mad :( its happend to me before and i get so jealous and mad. its like ' getur own freakin friends "


  14. LOL thats kidnapping call the police HAHA good one

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