
What would you do if the Russians shot down both satellites down in outer space?

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There have been conspiracy that eventually something like this will happen. It will leave no communication whatsoever. No internet. No mobile phones. No TV. No nothing. What would you do? I am oh so curious.




  1. I don't think you & I can do anything, but there is always Morse code.

    If US & GB keep messing with them, not having cell phone will be the least  of our problems.

  2. Nothing losing 2 satellites wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to any of things you mention.

    Since you seem to think there are only 2 satellites and that all communications need satellites I suggest you read up on communications before you make such ridiculous statements.



    Judging by your proud status as 'top contributor' on 'video games' I think it's quite obvious who lives in a fantasy world Little boy.

    There are over 1,000's of satellites in orbit not 2.

    Television does not NEED satellites, there was Television in London in 1929 which one of the 2 satellites do you think that used ?

    You seem to think that satellites are the only way of communicating around the world, you conveniently forget about the number of cables that ring the world and numerous other communications links.

    If any government or power takes that lot out, the last thing anyone will be worried about is reading email.

    However I understand how this concerns you so much.

    Your life obviously revolves around finding the golden key that will allow you to progress to level 14 and your only 'love life' depends on the Internet, so ask mommy to make you a hot drink before you go to bed to soothe your nerves.

  3. don't really care about those things myself.

    stilll got radio.

    also, there's way more than two satellites involved.

  4. I don't know where you are but the only thing that would have been affected here it would have been coverage of the Olimpics, which would have been replaced by coverage of the Nato bases launching missiles into Russia, thus making it more entertaining to watch.

  5. Well if an EMP went off and the entire internet was down.... it would take a LOT more then 2 satelites going down.... but say there was no net.... then I'd go outside and drink all the beer I could before it got warm due to the lack of electricity and the fridges not working anymore

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