
What would you do if the cookie monster tried to eat you?

by  |  earlier

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if the cookie monster had gone completly insane and thought you were a cookie... and he tried to eat you, what would you do? (ide prolly get an autograph from him and then ide run like h**l!)




  1. I'd check myself into rehab... that would have to be a sign that things have finally gotten out of control

    p.s. I'd get autographs of Britney, Lindsey... while in rehab

  2. Well sadly the cookie monster doesnt exist anymore is carrot monster :(

    but if he did then i would cut the strings so the puppet guy cant control him

  3. -Tell him that I was sugar free but my neighbor with the noisy pitbulls is full of sugar, butter and has icing. Then, being a good neighbor, I would walk him over and introduce them.

  4. lol! i would get a autograph cuz i love him then i would run!

  5. I cant belive you guys are even answering this silly and very profound question. Gee and i thought i needed to get a life.

  6. 1) I'd take my hand out of the puppet.


    2) slap the puppeteer


    3) sue the pants off of Sesame Street

  7. RUN!

  8. I'd roll in poo, Noone would eat a poo cookie or would they?

  9. i'd shoot the creep..

  10. I'd kick him in the chocolate chips.

  11. I'd tell him that their was a huge monster cookie the size of the moon behind him and when he looked back I would run.

  12. I'd try to eat him first

  13. Id run away and call the mental hospital to come get him. jk

    no, id just run away

  14. Hubbies have tried to be the cookie monsters for years hon....

    sometimes they can nibble


    other times..  no way.


    HOttttttttttttt  dogggggggg

  15. Call my good friend Oscar the grouch and let him handle it.

  16. If this happend I would send my 3 year old after him. He does the best Cookie Monster impression. The Cookie Monster is NNOOO match for a 3 year old.

  17. ok i think i got a couple of answers

    1. ask him to teach me the song (its awsome) also hopin he would forget about eating me

    2. dress maself as a donut or the moon (cookie monster doesnt like any of those.

    3. just do what people in family guy did :)

    4. or say oh no! so the kool-aid man can bust through ma wall so i can put liquor in his jar  and hopin cookie monster eats him first and hope he gives him a hangover in the morning :)

  18. cover myself with vegetables.  That should ward him off

  19. I would take off my vest made out of cookies and wash off all my cookie scented perfume!

  20. get a shrink cause there is no such thing [ i feel sorry for you ]

  21. lol i'd get my ninja turtle brother to breath mud all over him, steal all HIS cookies, and run away.

    AHAAHAHAHa nice question :P x

  22. I would try eating him first!!! And if that didn't work...I'd dress up like a piece of broccoli =o

  23. I would grow up, realize the cookie monster didn't exist, stop asking stupid questions, and move on with my life.

  24. haha id tickle the heck outta him

  25. I'd shoot em in the face and leave him on these cold sesame streets, kuz I don't go nowhere without my pistol pistol.

  26. well, i dont look anything like a cookie, so i dont need to worry about that, do i? lol lol lol

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