
What would you do if the parents of your gf/bf hates you?

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I have this huge issue. My girl's mom and dad absolutely hate me! And I have no idea why, they constantly put me down and say horrible things about me (not to my face but to her). They also don't allow me to see her, we can't even be friends...

I mean there's nothing wrong with us, we're both 16, go to the same school. It's just our religion is different. Do you think that's the reason they hate me?

They are Atheists while I'm Christian. I don't ever try to "convert" her or anything. We don't even talk about religion!

Honestly, what would you if you were in this situation?




  1. Oh, I was in the same dilemma as well just vice versa.

    You see, I had this huge crush on this guy and he really liked me too.

    But the only problem was his parents. They were Baptists and they

    didn’t want me to date him because they thought I was a bad influence.

    Anyway, my boyfriend persuaded his parents that I was all good

    and they finally let me date him officially.

    But it was 3 months later and we were both sick of each other by than.

    It’s pretty sad.

    But, just talk to her parents one on one, I think they are trying to protect their little girl. Tell them that you don’t talk about religion,

    nor that you have any interest sharing your beliefs with her.

    Show that you’re a good guy

    with morals and is respectful. Maybe have dinner with them and stuff.

    Good luck!

  2. Aww bless, I know that's really tough.

    But if its any help, I'm 15 and I have a boyfriend that I'm very close to. However my parents are finding it really difficult to accept the fact that this boy has suddenly come into my life and that I'm starting to get serious with him and want to spend more time with him. It's not that they have a directional problem with him, its that fact that he happens to be my boyfriend.

    I know it's hard but put yourself in their shoes - they're letting go of their little girl..

    However I agree that the way they're treating you is pretty harsh and unreasonable, so give it a go at winning them over. If you love her you'll try really hard to get them to favour you. Play the role of the innocent boyfriend, ask her Dad's permission to take her out, but tell them its out for a meal and ask what time they would like her back, and make sure she's back at that exact timing. Don't let them suspect that you're at all untrustworthy. When you go over there spend time talking to her mum and dad and try getting to know them.

    And never ever get cuddly with your girlfriend when they're around, just keep your guard up.

    These are just a few ways that my boyfriend won my parents over...

    Hope that helps x

  3. Been there

    but like most people i wont try and say OH i understand what your going through.

    When parents see their daughter get a boyfriend its a scary time. because boys have been given the reputation of ruining a once innocent girls life. even if she wasnt that innocent to begin with.

    My fiance's mother still hates me, and i've been with my fiance for about 4 years now. Hopefully if you show them just how great of a person you are they'll come around. But the only advice i can really offer to you is to stick it out. And maybe they'll change their minds about you.

  4. have a family dinner with them or something and prove them wrong, find out whats bugging them.

  5. hey there i agree with samantha r.  

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