
What would you do if the police mistakenly thought your house was a drug house, busted in and shot your dogs?

by Guest66848  |  earlier

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Then afterward they found out they made a mistake, but your dogs are dead. I just read about this happening in the news. I consider my dog family. If they think a dog is dangerous, couldn't they tazer it or something other than shooting it?




  1. The Police busted into the wrong house in Boston and Lima, Ohio and shot unarmed old people to death and got suspended so the dog is up Shite creek.

  2. You get an attorney. Seriously.

  3. Lissa---You could not have said it better!!! When an officer faces a dangerous situation they are taught to either use the tazer or the gun and to know ahead of time which one they will use, no going back, no changing their mind...this leads to quicker actions and safety for the officer.

  4. I'd shoot first if someone broke into my house.

  5. Nothing a little sweet and sour sauce won't fix...

  6. Pets to us are considered property to the law.  If police had to come into your house and felt that the dogs were a threat then they are allowed to shoot them without any consequences.  Many dogs will do things that will surprise you when they are faced with a situation like that.  They just want to protect their territory and their pack.  I am a HUGE animal lover and it is upsetting that things like that have to happen but it's the law and I understand that the people's safety comes first.  The police need to do what they can to be safe.  It's too difficult to just take a tazer out and use it on a dog.  Especially if the dog is running at you and you just busted in the house.  Police keep their guns at hand, not tazers.  Tazers are used mainly to subdue criminals who are acting up when they are arrested or when they need to be arrested.  Sometimes the prongs that shoot out don't even attach to the body and it was a waste.  Dogs fur can be thick especially Labrador's fur because it's used to keep them warm when they retrieve fowl in the water when hunting.

  7. I will do two things.

    First, is to provide a most memorable burial for my dog, whom I loved much.

    Second, to seek compensation through legal ways regarding the death of my dog only. Under the law, the police authorities are justified to bust into my house. Under animal act, the relevant authorities are required to compensate accordingly to the mental and social damage it had caused unto because of the blunder.

  8. One word:


  9. hahhahahaa we where just taling about this in briefing today. And it was the mayors house to. And more than likely they will tae it to court possibly

  10. Funny this happens all the time in the black and latino community but they usually kill a family member.

  11. Well, my first instinct would be to defend myself.  After reading about this case, I think people need guns to protect themselves from lunatic cops.

  12. I personally don't have any pets right now, but the first thing I would do if I were in that situation is talk to a lawyer, especially if I had paid a lot of money for my dogs. Some pedigreed dogs are worth several thousand dollars.  Heck, even if you got them for cheap at the shelter, you can at least take them to small claims court over it.  While it's becoming more common, not all cops carry Tazers so they might not have the means to shock a dog.  Keep in mind that most cops won't just shoot a dog for jollies unless the dog is attacking them or threatening them in some way.  The dogs in the mistaken drug house may have been trained as guard dogs to protect the property and were just following their training when the cops busted in.  If the cops can claim self defense, then there's really no case.  However, I'd think since it was "their bad" they should at least compensate the owners for the monetary values of the animals.      

  13. I'd ask that they give me their K-9 dog an exchange.

  14. Check this out.

    A mayor just had this happen to his family.  Drug enforcement in the US is out of control.

  15. Tazering kills, too. If I was armed, my natural instincts would probably kick in.

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