
What would you do if the police or the army came to you for questioning for no reason ?

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What would you do if the police or the army came to you for questioning for no reason ?




  1. i doubt they would make it past the booby traps all around my mountanside cabin...

  2. I'd Shut my mouth and call a lawyer.

  3. They would not question you for no reason.  If they have questions, it's because they believe you may be able to help them.

    Answer their questions.  If you are unsure about your rights, let them know that you would feel better with a lawyer at your side.

  4. happened dozens of timres ,i dont back down and i stay my ground,fk 'em

  5. Okay, ask them if you can have a lawyer present. If they say no and you don't know why they're there then make some strong coffee and try to figure who set you up (framed you). Ask questions like just what crime was committed and when. Take notes this is serious **** and memories can fade after a night of sleep. If you are innocent then you have nothing to hide (except for that crack habit) no, just kidding. I'd say cooperate and tell them information is a two way street and you need to know where and when a crime occured so you can recall and prove your allibi. Of course this is a good time to pray.

  6. Answer their questions if the police.  The Army does not do that.

  7. I would try to help them the best I could.  I believe the police are there to help us.  So I would want to help them too.  Even if I didn't know the answer to any of their q's.

  8. I'd make them some oatmeal cookies.

  9. Cooperate fully. They are merely confirming information. If they are accusative, tell them to back it up with facts. And call your lawyer.

  10. answer their questions.

  11. i didnt do it, it was like that when i got there

  12. well i wont back talk them cause who knows what they will do!  they have the stupid power!

  13. Well they would have to have a reason otherwise they wouldn't need to question you, right?  Ask what their reason is and if they can't tell you, then you have the right to refuse to answer any questions.

  14. cooperate. If you know the answers you need to cooperate. If it's something that you know you've done, hold out a bit and force them into a good deal, don't give too much information too fast.  

  15. Lawyer up; and I have no beef with the law. I have read too many crime novels and watched too much law and order to do anything else.

    Really, I'd probably talk a bit first, to see what's up.

  16. plead the fifth

  17. Sorry but your question makes no sense.  I would have no way of knowing if the police had reason to talk to me.  Even if I have been going lawfully about my business I don't know what descriptions have been given for villains, or what complaints have been lodged.  The reason for police conduct is evaluated from the viewpoint of the cop, not of the suspect.  

  18. For one, they are not going to come to you for "no reason".  If they are going to ask questions, then there is a reason for that.

    If you are not guilty of anything, then answer their questions.  If you are guilty, tell them you want an attorney.

  19. Question you about what? Doesn't really matter. Answer them.

  20. Tell them politely to leave.

    The police can not help you and neither can the military. A lot of times people who talk can be put on the stand and prosecuted, even if they are completely innocent.

    There's a reason why they say "Everything you say can and will be held against you." There have been countless cases to where people who were willing to talk to "help" got themselves into a world of hurt.

    I'd request for a lawyer to be present at ALL times, even if you don't see any harm in talking, it's better to keep yourself protected.  

  21. I'd ask them why.

    Then I'd tell them "I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove a thing."

  22. If they had no reason question you they wouldn't ...besides they already know who you are and are coming for you tonight.

  23. Answer their questions, so long as they were polite and so on

    If I smelled a rat I would tell them to gtfo until I had a lawyer

  24. tell them i cannot say anything until i have a lawyer present.

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