
What would you do if the sky was to fall to the ground. If you were to look up and see it actually falling.?

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What would you do if the sky was to fall to the ground. If you were to look up and see it actually falling.?




  1. The sky can't fall-- there is no "sky", that's just what we call what's above us.  The closest thing to the sky falling would be the clouds falling, and that is similar to foggy conditions.

  2. remember Chicken Little!! hehehe...

  3. But... the sky itself can't fall.  Giant rocks can come from outer space and fall on us, but it isn't the sky.

    If I looked up at giant rocks that were hurtling towards me, I'd probably just sigh and hope one landed on top of me.

  4. They sky wouldn't fall.   And if it did and you were in that situation... I would just pray.  No time for a lot else..  lol

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