
What would you do if there was a chance that your child wasnt your husband's/boyfriends?

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HA Im watching Maury, sorry.

But what would YOU do? would you go on Maury and claim to be 10000% sure that he was the daddy, even if there was a possibility that he wasnt?




  1. As embarassing as it sounds, im going through that but im not protesting who the dad is until i know. I was going through bad times in my life, drinking drugs and i was always depressed, idk i guess i stopped caring. i believe god gave me my daughter as a second chance. Im a better person now, i love my life and my daughter, i dont really care who the father is but im finding out for her sake someday, i made a mistake im living with my actions and i believe she deserves to know who her dad is, whether i find it myself now or she does 15 years down the road. Life is getting better everyday for me now that i have her oin my life even the biggest mistakes can be your biggest miracles

  2. I'd take each of my baby daddys on Maury and make them take a paternity test. d**n straight...someone's gotta pay.

    (You totally got me!)

  3. I'd keep my mouth shut and be grateful that I have a man ready to parent my child.  

  4. Get myslef booked in for an abortion immediately

    If you will let a man unknowingly raise another man's child you are human filth

  5. Nothing in this world could make me go on Maury with those red neck slobs to get laughed at for any reason, but about the question.  The proper thing to do is tell, or if you just can't do that, then have a test done and tell only if he isn't the dad.   For one thing the truth will come out sooner or later, and for another thing he has a moral and legal right to know if the baby isn't his.

  6. No.  I would just sit him down and let him know there might be a possibility and then get a test to see if he was.  I would never take him on a show like that. It would be embarassing for all of us.  And I would feel bad for him.

    But I would never do that to a man.  I am not like that. I don't sleep around!

  7. I do like to watch that show because it is VERY entertaining!

    I would never go on national TV and humiliate myself!  I would also not sleep around like these white trash girls do on Maury.  

  8. I wouldn't be so stupid as to cheat on my husband in the first place (or boyfriend). I also would not put myself out there in front of a bunch of strangers and be made fun of and picked on. Some people will do anything to get attention.  

  9. I personally believe that the people appearing on that show are paid actors because it's impossible for so many women to go on national television on not only humiliate themselves but their babies and their partners.

    Can you imagine doing that to your husband/boyfriend? have a baby, he falls in love with this baby, takes care of him/her and then you fo on tv and tell him that this baby is not his? it's cruel!

  10. Then you would be a prostitute.

  11. I would stop sleeping around!  HA - no, I would probably die!

  12. the only way that would ever happen would be if i was raped and i would have told my husband what happened from the start.  i would want to keep the baby and i believe that the man i married would support me and be a father to the child.

  13. No I would not go on national tv and humiliate myself if I KNEW I was sleeping around and there was even a .000001% chance the baby was not my husband's.  Thank God I don't have to worry about it but boy is that show fun to watch!!  

  14. The 1st thing every thinks about those people who go on Maury are that they are a bunch of Wh***s. Why are you having s*x with more than 1 person in a certain time span? Do you have any respect for yourself? The 2nd thing is We have been together for xyz amount of time, I have never cheated on you. Why don't you think Jr. or Sally is yours? I feel sorry for those women. The ones who stayed committed to their relationship and because the baby doesn't look enough like the father or his relatives, he thinks the baby is not his and it turns out to be his. If you cheated even once, then say there is a possibility that you are not the father, Rather than worry about it for the rest of our lives, I want to have a DNA test and find out. If I knew I cheated I would not get on National TV and say I'm 10, 000% sure he is yours-I would look like an w***e and everyone in my town would know that I am.

  15. I Wouldn't go ON Maury...what a bunch of Hicks!!! If I had to have 1/2 of California Tested...I believe I would just keep my mouth shut and raise the kid on my own!!!

  16. i hate those shows lol

    if people could keep it in their pants those shows would go off the air.

    have you saw the one where the woman had SIX guys tested and still didnt find the dad??  omg,  its time to do some tube tying.

    (as for the question i dont have to worry about that 1. i dont cheat. and 2. my tubes are tied. lol

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