
What would you do if this happen to you ?

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What would you do

if your in your car and someone comes to your door with and tell you to get out of the car

1# would you get out?

2# try and take off with your car

why i am asking is i was car jacked and i got out safe but i would like to know what would you do if something like this happen to you this is something to think about when your in your car driving one good thing i did that night i locked my doors before i started my car think about this and be safe on the road




  1. i would take off. seriously. id lock the doors as soon as the person running towards me was in sight. if tehy needed anything, id roll down my window.

    then take off if they wanted me to get out of the car.

    i hope you are ok =]

  2. I would like to think that i would choose #2 and try to drive off - hopefully running over the sorry motherf on the way out.  But since I  have never been in that situation, I could not really say what I would do.  I am so glad you got out safe.  Be careful out there - it is a jungle.

  3. that really sucks...I would get out. you dont know what would happen if you dont listen to them..I always lock the door when I get in.. you just never know..

  4. I would kindly not exit and politely aim my 45 at the perps genitals. If, after seeing that I am armed and not afraid to use it, he continued to try and take my car I would have to call 911 and report that a man is dead because he tried to harm myself and my kids.

    If you do not like guns that is fine. There are other products out there that you can use to protect yourself. Look for a stun gun. and as you exit he will be close tag him with it and boom bad guy 0 you 1. Kimber mfg. (A Firearm manufacture) makes a great device that I have purchased for all the Ladies in my life. This device is called Guardian Angel it shoots a pepper spray like gel up to 13' yes 13 feet at 95mph so the perp can't dodge this little sucker.

  5. if the person had a gun or knife i would have gave it up over my life cause i can always work on getting another one. im so sorry that happened to my prayers go out  to you and hope that you continue to try to be safe out there. there are so many fools out there we wouldnt know what to do if something like that happened did you report him and turn him? if nobody wasnt around me and he didnt have a gun i would have drove off running the red light that would have been just a ticket for me if i would have gotten caught but that would be my life i would be thinking about but  im glad you're okay and i know its going to take you sometime to get over it but just be happy that he didnt shoot at you i am sorry to hear that

  6. I would get out, then as they got in I would pull my HKK-45 and shoot them in the head twice, throw their body on the ground and dial 911 on my celphone.

  7. I would not get out but rather call 911 and tell them what was going on.

    Once you cal 911 they will be able to respond and assist you but never get out of the vehicle, the world is full of crazy people.

  8. run the mother f****r over

  9. I always pack my piece, so, make my millennium!

  10. take off with the car 100%

    but only if the person looks suspiciously dangerous or somthing, otherwise sit tight??!! BUT use your personal instinct to figure if the person is dangerous or not.

  11. is this happened to you????

  12. i would pick #2

    but hope your're okay

  13. depends wat he is carrying. Gun ? you better get out.

    Also was it locked ? and is ur car insured ?

    I would run the guy over if he carries empty threat

  14. Firstly, I am glad that you got out of it safely.

    Well, it is difficult to say what I would do in such a situation. It will all depend on the place and current situation at that moment.

    If at all possible, I would take off with my car, but if I am given no choice, I will get out and run (with the keys... hopefully).

    Thanks for asking such a question. This could happen to anyone, and you have have given us some food for thought.

  15. I would get out with my keys and through them as far away as possible. When people are trying to "car-jack" you, they are:

    1. In a hurry (looking for the keys is a wast of time)

    2. Not wanting to get caught (again looking for keys is a problem)

    3. If they look where you threw them, you now have time to run.

    After they have left, you have all the time in the world to find your keys.

  16. I would get out of the car and kick the guys asss and run over him with my car

  17. I think if the car was running and I was in a position to be able to take off safely I would.  If not, I guess give it up...maybe you'll get  a new car out of the deal! Glad to hear you are safe; that's the most important thing!!

  18. well i would shoot the robber..

    if you are in some place that has outlawed guns you should get a stun gun, pepper spray.large knife...etc..

    learn to defend your self.

    and vote against any politician that limits your ability to do so

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