
What would you do if this was your daughter?

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  1. nuthin she wack yo

  2. The trick is to raise them right starting at day one by the time they are 15 it's way to late to be worrying. Her mother is obviously a waste of space so it's no wonder the kid is the way she is.

    Institutionalize her. You want to break laws and run wild well here is where you are going to end up deal with it.

  3. Well one thing I've learned is I can never say it won't. I just hope that I would have given my daughter the right resources and up bringing not to be like that child. I can not even imagine one of my girls doing that. I wonder where the father is in all of this?

  4. I know there is so much guff out there that says you shouldn't, but hit her back and assert your dominance! I'm sure she'd try going back to her old ways after the initial shock, so you'd have to be consistent with the parenting controls and make sure she knows who is the boss and that the boss isn't going to take that sort of c**p anymore!

  5. This would never be my daughter...I discipline my children from the time they are small...that way there is NO misunderstanding as to WHO the Parent is...this kind of out-of-control kid comes from "parents" that think they can be their kids' Friend. You are NOT your childs are their PARENT...So I can't tell you what I would do if this were my daughter...It Would Never Happen!

  6. man that kid is f**ked up!

    im 14 and not like that

  7. I'd put her in detention centre myself, I mean come on, that's absurd, I hope my daughters have more respect for themselves and others then that, even at young ages now they have more repect than that girl, very sad that some kids out there are really like that... The mother should of raised her properly from the second the daughter started copying things as a baby, maybe if she did they wouldn't be where they are now.

  8. I would spend every penny I had to enrol her in a Boarding School over seas, preferably in England (they are strict and tough).

    I can't imagine having a daughter like that, thank God!

  9. that would never be my daughter, not in a million years.

  10. omg im 14 i cant belive people my age actualy do stuff like that

  11. C'mon, you dont really believe all that shite do you?

  12. Sit her down and talk to her and tell her what she is going to so and not do.And if that does not work u r going to ground her for as long as it takes!

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