
What would you do if u confront ben laden ?

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i just want to know that how a normal person would react in that situation.




  1. The only time Bin Laden admitted to 9/11 was never, this notion is based on a video that was not him, voice recognition proved it was not his voice, face scans proved it was not his face. The video was a forgery. If you saw the video yourself you would be shocked... I was. It was very obvious and plain to see it was not Osama. And remember the one video of him that looked like they made it in CGI? And the media went nuts for a week pointing out how fake it was! You can still find these videos on the net if you wish to see them for yourself.

  2. prolly be like so your that guy that supposedly killed a bunch of people with master piece plan?

  3. well ide grab his turban and prove to everyone that hes bald  then id let him go

  4. call the law

    and ask for the reward lol

  5. Torture him and make him do everything that the Qaran forbids him to do, make him drink liquor, make him smoke pot, make him have threesome s*x with American woman and a Jewish woman showing hair, make a portrait of prophet Mohamad and make him anal him. Make him p**s on the Holy Qaran and force him to admit he is a Christian, there will be no greater disgrace for him.

  6. Shoot him in the face with a water gun till he drowns.

  7. I'd go, hey are you osama bin laden?

    and he'd go, yes

    so i'd say, wow u were in the paper

    and he'd say, yeah, several times

    and then i'd say bye and go eat some fruit

  8. I'd ask him how it feels to be framed for 9/11. Let's be honest here, we still don't know who did it, and the famous bin Laden tape was derided as an obvious fake given to the US for money.

    Our government and media are lying and covering up incompetence and criminal misconduct.

  9. The answers here are really interesting, but what can you do without a shovel?

    •  Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  

    ... Benazir Bhutto, claimed that bin Laden had been murdered by Omar Sheikh. ... on its website, but edited out Bhutto's statement regarding Osama Bin Laden. ...

    •  Bhutto: Omar Shiekh Murdered Osama Bin Laden : Stop The ACLU  

    ... what is this deal with "Omar Shiekh" who she claims "murdered Osama bin Laden" ... 11 Responses to "Bhutto: Omar Shiekh Murdered Osama Bin Laden" ...

    •  Location of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  

    ... to Bin Laden as being "murdered" by Omar Saeed Sheikh. ... Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07 ^ News of the World. v • d • e. Osama bin Laden ...

    •  Bhutto: Osama bin Laden murdered " More shameless remarks by Larko  

    Tags: benazir bhutto, osama bin laden, pakistan ... to the Daniel Pearl murder (Sheikh Omar) has now been linked to Osama's murder. Hmmmm. ...

    •  Digital Journal - Benazir Bhutto on Al Jazeera: Osama Bin Laden ...  

    Note: Skip to 2:15 into this video to hear Bhutto say Osama bin Laden was murdered ... identities, she mentions Omar Sheikh and says that he murdered Osama Bin Laden. ...

    6. Bhutto: Omar Sheik assassinated Osama bin Laden -- Signs of the ...

    Bhutto: Omar Sheik assassinated Osama bin Laden. AlJazeeraEnglish. Fri, 28 ... Bhutto offhandedly mentions that Osama bin Laden was assassinated by Omar Sheik. ... - Cached

    7. Benazir Bhutto said Osama bin Laden was dead

    Benazir Bhutto said Osama bin Laden was dead. Jazz From h**l Blog | December ... murdered by Omar Sheikh, whom the Sunday Times once described as "no ordinary ... - Cached

    8. Benazir Bhutto named Osama bin Laden's killer before her death ...

    According to Bhutto's words, Bin Laden was killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh ... back in Pakistan, she said: "Omar Sheikh is the man who murdered Osama bin Laden. ... - Cached

    9. JAZZ from h**l: Benazir Bhutto said Osama bin Laden was dead

    ... that [Bhutto] told David Frost that Osama Bin Laden was killed by Omar Sheikh. ... Benazir Bhutto, gaffe, intrigue, Omar Sheikh, Osama bin Laden, Pakistan, terror ...

    jazz-from-h** - 187k - Cached

    10. Osama bin Laden - Tag Story Index -

    ... Muslim | Osama bin Laden | Pakistan | Kandahar | Quetta | Mullah Mohammad Omar ... Bhutto | pre-Sept | Ayman al-Zawahiri | Dell Dailey | Federally Administered ... - 68k - Cached

    11. Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Killed Osama Bin Laden "

    ... to light in which Benazir Bhutto says Omar Sheikh murdered Osama Bin Laden. ... to "Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Killed Osama Bin Laden" Jerry Myers Says: ... - Cached

    12. Benazir Bhutto said Osama bin Laden was dead " Propeller

    Tags: al Qaeda, Benazir Bhutto, Omar Sheikh, Osama bin Laden, terror ... Benazir Bhutto Osama Bin Laden Murd... 0 comments. 1. Vote. Omar Bin Laden: Did They ... - Cached

    13. Benazir Bhutto said Osama bin Laden was dead | The News is ...

    ... David Frost less than two months ago that bin Laden had been ... in Pakistan, Al-Qaeda, Benazir Bhutto, intrigue, Omar Sheikh, Osama bin Laden, terror, video ... - Cached

    14. News Hounds: FOX News & Other Media Outlets Ignore Benazir ...

    ... by Mrs. Bhutto, namely, that Osama bin Laden is dead. ... Bhutto claimed that a man named Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh is "the man who murdered Osama bin Laden. ... - Cached

    15. Little Country Lost: Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Murdered Osama ...

    Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Murdered Osama bin-Laden ... the sentence where Benazir Bhutto says that Omar Sheikh murdered Osama bin Laden. ... - 170k - Cached

  10. Ask him for some spare change

  11. I'd ask him if he knew where his brother Bin Laden was.

  12. Beat the mother-loving c**p out of him, turn him over to the FBI, and get the $25 million reward.

  13. make him do crossword puzzles but always make a two intercepting clues impossible so he'd never finish annoying!

    oh, and then id rip his f*cken skin off with tweezers

  14. Offer him a ham sandwich and a Coors beer.

  15. First, I'd tranquilize him and tie him to a chair.

    Then I'd sprinkle him with Holy Water, bring in a priest to exorcise him, hand him a Bible, a Torah, and a copy of Confuianism's Tai Te Chi, and all of the other religious books ever written in Human History - everything EXCEPT a copy of the Koran - he probably has millions of copies already...

    I'd shave his beard, dance around him to celebrate my victory, hit him on the head, and when he wakes up, hug him to show that there's still hope even for a person destined to burn in h**l...

    I'd smack his face really hard to wake him up to the reality beyond his own little world, give him a heavy dose of antidepressants, make him watch an inspirational movie about Life and the earth...

    Then I'd leave him tied to the same chair in his stinky tent(which I'd have had blessed by the priest), get in the military chopper waiting outside, then I'd proceed in dropping a powerful nuclear bomb (created by Al-Qaeda) on Al-Qaeda's main base (where each of its members are, by now,  tied to individual chairs in similar stinky tents AND where Al-Qaeda's complete weapons arsenal are housed)...

    That's the end of Osama Bin Laden. Farewell, I hope you enjoy h**l, dear Laden - unless by some miracle you achieve salvation.

  16. Give him a s*x-change operation with a rusty knife, then send him back to Afhanistan as a (really ugly) woman to be treated the way Afghans treat their women.

  17. if i had a weapon i'd blow his head off, no weapon, i'd use my hands to choke every breath out of him. he'd be dead no matter what.

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