
What would you do if u were out dining and your friend sneezed or coughed accidentally on ur plate of food?

by  |  earlier

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or if they did it to their own food? Thanks.




  1. If they're a good friend, laugh and say thanks for the germs!  

  2. Accept it as an accident and re-order.  No big deal.  

  3. Cough I can deal with. Sneeze...he's paying for my extra order. I am not eating food someone else sneezed on!

  4. I would be disgusted and would politely push away my plate without saying the reason.

  5. If they did it on there own food then oh well, there are gunna be the ones eating there own germs, but if they sneezed on yours...OMG!?! I would freak out and re-order. You can pretty much tell when your going to sneeze or cough they should of turned away. That's disgusting!!!!

  6. I'd pull out my hammer and smash them over the head with it.

  7. knock them out

  8. if they sneezed on my plate i would say bless u and order the same plate again or i'll just trade plates with them if they haven't already sneezed on there own plate.

  9. If they did it on theirs I would laugh.

    If they sneezed on mine I would assume it was an accident. I would expect for the person to apologize and re-order my food. If they don't I would push the plate away and eat the ketchup from the bottle. If they ask why I am doing that I will say " Because you sneezed on my food motherfxxxer I ain't eating that!"  (As a would send the message though hehe)

  10. "Accidentally" spill my drink on them.

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