
What would you do if you'd won the powerball lottery that was worth 170 million dollars?

by  |  earlier

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twowords? Donate 30 million dollars to what?




  1. I would fill my truck up with HI-TEST and use the rest of it to go inside and buy a donut.

  2. Hire a good lawyer and get a big dog and big fence around my house to keep relatives away.

  3. First..the taxes will be about 70 million then 20 will go to cancer research, 20 to the poor children in africa and invest 40 million and and 20 for the family members.......

  4. i truly would make sure all my familys debts where paid ,go to vagas ,playboy mansion ,for a week ,go freakn crazy and explode

  5. Go to college for ever...never stop learning

  6. i think i would only get half the money because of taxes. then i would buy myself a ridiculously giant bed. and invite all my friends over and we'd lie around on the bed all day having a good time. the rest i would donate to charities like Amnesty International and the UN World Health Organization

  7. there's a few people i would rub it into their faces

  8. what wont i do

  9. I would purchase 200 acres of rain forest, and do nothing with it. Except keep industry out of it.  

    I would buy my ex-husbands house (because I found it) and live there myself.  Purchase all family new homes or cars if they wanted them, and donate 30 million.

    I would also begina local community campaign for us to go green, and have recycling of all products available.


  10. i'd have so much money i wouldn't know what to do with myself.

    lol even after taxes, i'd still have enough money for me to

    quit schooling and live a sweet life :)

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