
What would you do if you've had a friend for years that is just mind numbing every time you talk to them?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 'friend' that I cringe everytime she call's. I ignore most of her calls, but take some just so I don't hurt her feelings. But she is so dense and mind numbing that I would rather stick a needle in my eye than talk to her. How would you handle this situation without hurting her feelings?




  1. If you can't stand her and don't want to talk to her and you ignore most of her calls. Why do you care about hurting her feelings? Just stop answering and she will take the hint eventually. I hate fake girls who act like your friend but talk c**p behind your back!

  2. I think you need to end this friendship for both your sakes. You say you don't want to hurt her feelings but your not being really fair to either of you by pretending you like her when you obviously don't.Being friends with someone should be a natural joy not a chore end the friendship and move on

    good luck

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