
What would you do if you came across someone abusing an animal?

by  |  earlier

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Last week at school my friend and I found some guys messing with a bird that couldn't fly. They were kicking it among other things. We both went nuts and started screaming at them. The guys took off, so I stood near the bird and waited while my friend ran off to find someone.

I honestly think I would snap and try to strangle them. :/ Scumbags.




  1. if its a peson abusing a deadly animal  just keep walking away.

    if its a person abusing a loving animal CALL THE ANIMAL REASCUR

  2. You both did the right thing. You answered your own question. That was really a good decision you both made. That poor bird would have died a terrible death if it weren't for you two. Be VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!!  I think that I would have wanted to snap to and strangle the stupid mean jerks. These guys will probably all be serial killers when they grow up to be so called men. I hope that someone kicks them around sometime just like that poor helpless bird. They are cowards because they choose to pick on something that is helpless. Just think about what they would do to another human being. Again be proud of yourselves. There's not enough people like you in the world.

  3. That's so horrible. ): I definitely would do anything I could to keep them away from the poor animal (includes strangling). I can't stand animal abuse.

    It was great of you to save that bird from those monsters. :)

  4. call animal cruelty. people could go to jail for that!

  5. I would really do the same thing! Abusing animals or anything will send you to heck! it is not a nice thing!

  6. i think you did the right thing. you saved the birds life i hate how some people have no respect for animals.

  7. Call the ASPCA. Look for other things to do at

  8. I FLIPIN HATE AND I MEAN HATE ANIMAL ABUSE if u still have the bird bring it to vet

  9. I'd do the same thing to them that they are doing to the bird, see how they like it.

    Trust me, most criminals start off abusing animals. They'll pay for their abuse of living creatures with a few years in prison later.

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