
What would you do if you came home,?

by  |  earlier

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and everything was in tatters, furniture scraped, chairs chewed, tables overthrown and there was your dog, ripping the sofa apart, and it looked at you and said: "You can do nothing to me! I do not have any money to pay for this, and you can't punish me, or I will complain

to PETA, so I will do what I want!", laughted meanly and went on, destroying the sofa?




  1. Shoot the dog in the backyard, then take my schizophrenia pills. Then I'd but 18 rolls of duct tape and get to work

    (What can I say, I'm a Minnesotan)

  2. what a fish! dogs can talk

  3. get rid of shelter might like another dog

    plus i dont have a dog so id b even more in shock

  4. oh my gosh. The dog talks.

  5. honestly? probably faint.. come on the dog is talking!!

  6. I'd have the dog neutered.

  7. i would admit myself to an insane because dogs dont talk! but otherwise, i probably would put the dog down, if that dog wanted to live it shoulda thaught about that before it destroyed the house.

  8. I was so close to do such a thing, after ~three years of "blackness".

    I was at my top limits ...

    But I didn't do it.

    Duh, your dog is stupid !

    It could just frighten you about doing such a thing, and it would have its "rights" !? (if any, and if it could be enough convincing.)

    Wise Joke :) ? :)

  9. tell him that since he's not folliwing the rules of nature and not talk, that I don't have to follow the rules of PETA...I would however be needing a new dog when I'm done.

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