
What would you do if you caught your husband in bed with another man?

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I was talking to a friend who told me his Soldier caught her husband in bed with another man. Yes a d**n MAN and she stayed with him because they had 5 kids together. Now I can't talk for no one else, but i would of left him and he would of been paying child support. Not only did he cheat and in my house, oh yeah, it was in their bed they shared together, you are clearly homosexual and I personally could never respect him again. I mean, everytime we got into an argument i could see myself kicking him in the nuts with a comment about how he likes it up the butt...yes he was getting, that is too much for me, would you stay or would you leave? why or why not?




  1. get the best lawyer n sign the divorce paper right away plus kick his balls

  2. Your friend must really be STUPID!!  Talk to her!!  I would have no respect for him whenever I see hiim!

    I would leave his homesEXual, cheating A$$ in a HOTT minute!!  He will still be getting BOOTY from other guys and will probably give her AIDs or some type of Std soon!

  3. If I caught my husband in my bed with another man I would slam the bedroom door so hard on them it would come off it's hindges!! Then I would run out of the house and take my five kids with me and never come back. I could not even look at him in the face again without throwing up on him and kicking his azzzzz into next week. I would need a psychatrist for the rest of my life and be put on drugs forever. My poor kids would end up with a crazy mother and I would never be the same again. Someone would have to lock me up and put me in jail to prevent me from hurting him!! I am not against people being homosexual that is their choice but after 5 kids that would be a terrible dirty rotten deal for my husband to hand me. It would feel bad enough if he cheated on me with a woman but if it was a man how the h**l do you compete with that? That would be just so wrong to me and the kids that I would be turned inside out mentally and physically especially if you knew my husband.

  4. Well, knowing the damage it would do to my eleven year daughter, and me, I would call the police, and have them haul him and his "lover", out in the streets with nothing on!!

    Then I would throw everything of his on the front lawn and his "lovers", and then I would take my daughter, leave, and stay with my mother, and then I would work my a** off with a job and then work my way towards finding a better life for me and my daughter!!!!!!

    I went through He** and back a few years ago, with my marriage, if I did it before, I sure as He** can do it again, and if pushed into a corner, I will.

  5. very funny answer by SVP and I agree with zombie, clearly he would have issues and treating him like shite isn't going to help. I would leave immediately for the cheating obviously, but I would be supportive as a friend and try to help him understand who he is. I would be hurt but I would be able to see that sleeping with someone of the opposite s*x offers something i can't so I wouldn't want to hurt him back, I would just want to talk to him about why, and why it was never mentioned before the fact, and what happens now. I can also guess he would be very upset about the whole affair so I don't see the need to add pain and insults to the occasion, i'm not that insecure.

  6. I love your comment about this Question. Ya girl I would have done worse I guess if I was a girl. But ya, the lights are on, but nobody home. What was she thinking of when she married this guy. Ya this is bad news. I would also tell him to take the bed with him when he is kicked out of the house. And the answer you are looking for is " h**l No Girl I Would Not Even Think About Being In That House " Why ? Who knows where they were doing it around the house. That is Fu_k up girl.  

  7. Serious breaches of trust can have serious consequences. It is up to the offended person to make the decision about forgiveness. Only the strongest willed person is capable of complete forgiveness. The forgetting would be the difficult part.

  8. i wish i had instead of him leaving me for another woman. then i would have felt better knowing it had nothing to do with how i look.

  9. I would leave because to me there isn't any difference what s*x you find you significant other in bed with, they're still cheating on you.

  10. That's some f*cked up sh*t.


  11. i would definitely leave my husband even though there are kids. it is an intolerable situation. i would legally separate my life with  him but the kids can always see their father of course.  

  12. I would most defiantly leave the relationship. The trust has been broken and vows of marriage as well. Needless to say your friend has a big heart  to still stay with her husband . In my eyes , no one can know the true reason why she stayed as she did accept her. But , having 5 kids with him can sustain ones love  stronger  than anything. I know I wouldn't stay even for that. I would say its a hard choice to make ( I wouldn't be able to even trust him with any kind of s*x- male or female ). Its so weird what people all over the world go thru .The one good thing is that she has a friend like you to be there for her .No matter what the reason she stayed , she needs someone that can be there for her in support (and that's you).

    Good luck.

  13. His porked @ss would be out the door.

  14. as a single, hetero man, I'd be shocked and stunned on so many levels!

  15. Leave, no question, man or woman.

  16. i agree with you, i will not stay with a man that likes it up the butt. h**l no. I would take me and my kids and get the heck out of there quik, becuz that's probably not the 1st time

  17. HI

    Did you ask yourself lately why he did that? maybe you both have problem to your sexual life. I think win him again by seducing and fulfilling your husband's fantasy the straight way.

  18. Wow.... no offense but I feel sorry for your husband. You sound like a hardcore wench..... He may not be g*y but I'm sure he has a whole other slew of relationship problems.

    If I found out my husband was g*y I would be supportive of his lifestyle. I would seek a divorce, but I would never abandon him as a friend. I could never EVER kick him in the balls and make fun of him for "liking it up the butt", as you so eloquently put it. To me that is placing yourself on a higher pedestal than everyone else and declaring that you have the right to pass judgment on others. Who the f-ck are you to be telling people how to live their lives?

  19. She needs to leave and never look back. It's one thing to cheat on your spouse, in the house that the two of you share, but with a MAN!!! H*ll no! I wouldn't wait until we got into an argument, I'd kick him in the nuts, put my foot up his a**, and file for a divorce the minute I left.

  20. I would also leave him in a heart beat.

  21. uuuggghh, gross...

  22. I'd die laughing.......then jump in.

  23. ...erghhhh

    leave -_-

  24. Divorce him.

  25. Leave end of story.

  26. cheating is cheating no-matter what the s*x of the other partner. being a cheating husband has no bearing on the kind of father he might be. many people look the other way due to many other reasons.(financial,children,fear of being alone,acceptance of the situation-etc.etc.) no-one knows what really goes on in someone Else's marriage except the two people in that marriage. personally I would do what I thought was in my best interest, no matter what I decided. so with that I suggest that you let everyone involved  make their own decision on how they wish to handle their own private lives.

  27. Staying with a cheater is a good way to get aids or some other illness.  I would have packed his bags for him.

  28. LOL You made me laugh with your, "he was getting porked." I couldnt help it...sorry.

    Yes, she should leave! He is cheating at the end of the day, and who knows what diseases he could give her... He will do it again too, as he is bisexual at the very least. You cant deny yourself and who you are...

    5 kids is tough, I am a single parent with 1. But its a big deal what he did, and arguments will erupt with things being said the children shouldnt hear!!!

    Good luck with your friend.  

  29. Divorce  

  30. This is a tough question.I think I would avice him to get help bvos that kind of behaviour suggests the man is mentally unstable.If he gets help and he ammends his ways I will stay but if he doesn't I'm going.

  31. Cheating is cheating. The homosexuality doesn't even matter. No one with any self respect is going to stand for that. I'd leave, regardless of whether or not it was a man or woman.  

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