
What would you do if you find G. Bush in an elevator and no one else is around ?

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What would you do if you find G. Bush in an elevator and no one else is around ?




  1. to be honest i would probably be in shock but i would love to explain to him how his dishonorable behavior and lying to the world has effected my life. i want to know how he would feel spending years alone,  his heart stopping when the door bell rings, spending nights awake waiting for a few words on a computer screen that says i love you, comforting his kids as they cry on birthdays cause they are missing a parent.  that's what i would talk about, the reality of his war

  2. I would be freaking out that I was in the same elevator as him. I don't agree with everything about him but I still respect him as President.

  3. Well I think that if I was to be alone with the G.Bush I would ask him for why does he continue to make war with whomever cuz the shape of US looks bad b/c  just about every other country we can think of HATES the president here. US makes China send certain clothes, toys,etc. for free and they are tired of it....thats why some toys have an over load of lead! Mexicans they cross over the line only b/c they need to provide better future for their familys...not to really try to take americans jobs just some americans are lazy! G. Bush makes it hard on these people only b/c they are not WHITE! In fact right now only thing he is doing now is just sitting on his butt watching elections on tv and just waiting for his PAY CHECK that people here need. I Would tell him I think he should be fired just like most people b/c he did not do his job alright abd NO ONE is critizising him, everyone is critizising obama cuz he talks about actually bringing opportunitys to ALL americans ALL mexican in USA  ALL of the other races here in the USA! SO yea I don't like him.

  4. George W. isn't royalty,he's an elected head so this question really should be posted elsewhere...

    I'd be polite and say "Hello." Then I'd ignore him.

    I met former president Richard Nixon,years after he'd started his work with the Chinese government and making a "good name for himself after he'd besmirched his reputation with Watergate.I was on my way to class at a graduate school  and the University president was walking with Mr.Nixon and said,"Hi,kids.Look who's here." I said,"Hello,it's an honor to meet a president." Mr. Nixon was quite kind and a bit shy.He always struck me as a man more interested in doing things than mere political posturing-a politician who hated politics!

    It is not an everyday occurence to meet a president.Etiquette states politeness that you'd show to everyone.

  5. Probably shake his hand and get a picture with him. I'm not a fan of his policies, but he's still the President of the US.

  6. Ask him whether he wants to go for a beer seems like a nice guy deep down

  7. hmm id ask him how he felt about bein the president an if hes gutted about so many people hatin him

  8. Probably think it's funny that  there were no secret service men around and I'd probably talk to him. It wouldn't matter which one Father, or Son.

  9. Nothing...

  10. This has nothing at all to do with Royalty.this should be posted in either Polls and Surveys or Jokes and Riddles

  11. f**t

  12. beat the c**p out of him after ive asked him a scientific question to see him look confused

  13. The people who believe in those secret societies (the elite) affirm that George Herbert Walker Bush (current president's father) has three lines that go back to King Edward I of England. He also is descended from King Henry I and King Henry II, both of England, and William I and Robert II, both of Scotland.

    Let's pretend the prev statement was true and that could perhaps be a reason why the question was placed under this category, then,

    if we were alone in an elevator, I would do N O T H I N G....or at least I wouldn't do anything that might make him think that I am acknowledging his presence.

  14. Swipe his wallet.

  15. A chat and I would ask a autograph.

    And I would direct him to a safe way out.

  16. Which one, the elder or junior?

  17. I wouldn't get, most likely there would be an assination attempt from any millions of millions to choose from.  h**l, there's motive, hatred and revenge when the Bush family is mentioned.  The CIA and FBI combined will probably blame it on some poor Muslim guy with no means of legal representation.

  18. stab him

  19. Not get on the elevator since it is obvious that the elevator cable is gonna break or something happen to get all in that elevator killed. If he is unprotected then I would have no doubt that the cabal has had him ordered killed. and I would avoid him like the plague to avoid getting killed with him.

    Besides getting in an elevator with him would be like getting in one with jeffry dahmer, ed gein, or any other psychopath.

  20. Get out quick....cause yeah somethings bad is gonna happen!

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