
What would you do if you find that your significant other has a hidden camera taping your room?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been fighting (seriously, his fault). I noticed that the vcr had the red record on, i was wondering what it was recording. i turned on the survelence camera to see if he was filming his car. however i was shocked to see our room. this is something he just started doing today. what should i say? i waved at the camera and mooned him, so he will know that i know.




  1. i wish i knew how to do it,,,diffrent reasons,,i think the moon thing was the right thing to do,,,next time get one of those giant cut out photos of a pro football player and act like your doing the big nasty,,,i'll bet that'll s***w him up.

  2. Not good he must feel he has reason to think you are fcking around and he don't trust you.

    I would be mad if i wasn't cheating.

    Are you?

  3. I would freak out and then wonder what else he is spying on

  4. I wouldn't say that's grounds for divorce...either there's something that's making him not trust you or he's wanting to..uhh...videotape you two later that case, that just means he's trying to spice things up and i'd go along with it or compromise...wouldn't it be better for him to watch a tape of you two than to watch a porno w/some trashy girls?!

  5. I'd smash the camera, and probably divorce him. He sounds like a control freak and an a*****e. What possessed you to marry someone with such heavy issues?

  6. Wow! I can't believe that he would do this to you. Check to see if there is any footage on that tape of you in your room. Next step is to ask him if he has done this on purpose just to see his response. If you have any, and I do mean any indication that this was done on purpose you need to leave this relationship for good asap. This is a sick violation of your privacy and is in no way healthy behavior for any loving relationship. I just read your additional info, no matter what the reasons are for his taping you it is sick and very controlling behavior that you shouldn't tollerate.  

  7. Oh my I would be so upset.  That is a reason for divorce.  He probably was wanting to see if you were going to do something naughty to yourself and he wanted it on camera or he could of tried to pursue s*x with you last night so he can video tape you.  I would be furious to the point where he would be lucky to be alive.  

  8. I'd have some fun with him. He wants to spy on you and invade your privacy, then I would give him something to see. He doesn't want anyone touching his stuff, then I would do just that. Touch everything on his desk, open all the drawers taking everything out, then putting everything back. Then I would go over to his pillow, pull down my pants, rub my butt all over both sides of his pillow, then I would look at the camera and flip him the finger.

    I wouldn't say a word to him, I would let him find out he's been sleeping on a pillow that you wiped your butt on, when he watches the tape. : ) Serves him right for being such a control freak!!!

    Girl! You need to take control of your own life. Your husband sounds like a real loser that you should have dumped along time ago.

  9. That depends on what he caught you doing, and with whom???

  10. Question him, question him, question him about anything and everything!

  11. Looks like you've already said what needs to bed said about it. Nothing like a good ol wave and a mooning to get your point across. Obviously you guys are having some serious issues and he's feeling insecure about the marriage. It's time you two sit down and talk about what needs to happen, if either of you are willing to fix the relationship, or just move on.

  12. dos he not trust you or was he planning on taping your intimate moments? i'd confront him put him on the spot and demand answers. it is an invasion of your privacy and an abuse of your trust. dont stand for it

  13. You have to face him about this you say you have both been arguing but its his fault maybe hes going to record you both arguing so you can see that you Both play a part in the argument ?. This would really worry me so take care.

  14. Well, your credibility kind of went out the window when you mooned the camera. 8-)

    But I'd suggest that maybe you aren't 100% on the right side in these fights.

    Most bums don't go to the trouble of filming the marriage bed. That tells me that either he wants to prove that you have been abusive (and have you?) or perhaps he suspects infidelity.

    The only real sad thing here: he doesn't feel like he can come discuss it with you.

    And if you've made it impossible for him to have a husbandly conversation, you're damaging your marriage. And yes, the burden of keeping the lines of communication open is on YOU. Its your job.

    And you've got a decision to make: Do I want to win? Or do I want to be happy?

    If you want to be happy, I have some suggestions.

    Rather than talk a bunch more together (which is not going very well at the present), you might want to make peace with something non verbal. A back scratch. I neck rub. Something tasty to eat.

    Once their is peace in the house, you can work to resolve your problems. But you don't fish in the middle of a typhoon. So first navigate out of this storm.

    If you want to confront him about the camera....and I think that you should....let it wait until there is peace between you both. And work to bring about that peace quickly.

    1. Peace

    2. Confrontation

    3. Solution

    4. Lesson in how to stay married completed.

    Good luck!

  15. I would be disgusted. If he didn't have a d**n good explanation I would consider leaving his a**. You know, it could be considered "peeping tom" - which is a FELONY in some states. Look into that. I might not mention it - and see what he says when he realizes you saw the camera. Or question him about it. Either way - if it upsets you then he needs to stop it.  

  16. rewind it and see what he has been recording.  How do you know he didn't record him and another female?  i would snoop around and see what I can find first before I let him know I know.

  17. LOL! you mooned him. Good for you! He must think you have something to hide. You did the right thing, "Giving him something to look at". He'l be back soon to look at the surveilance so you already blew your cover to play with his emotions. You did a good job.

  18. Sounds to me like he wants to tape you having s*x with him. If he asked you, you would have said no, i guess. So he thought that he might do it without you knowing. Maybe he wants to tape you giving him a ******** or him eating your p***y.

  19. Oh my Gosh!  What a complete invasion of privacy.  Does he not trust you?  Does he have reason to not trust you?  This is disrespectful to you as a person and to your marriage.  Time to sit down for a helluva long talk.  Do not tolerate this.  You're not in prison and you don't need to be watched continuously.

  20. Talk to him about it, and tell him you don't appreciate it. There's nothing wrong with agreeing to have security cameras in your house, but no one should be taping anyone secretly.

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