
What would you do if you found a lot of money?

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What would you do if you found a lot of money?




  1. find the owner...........really i would, i know i would hate to lose a lot of money

  2. depends how much, if its loads then i would hand it in if not im spending unless i see a old person dropped it.

  3. Spend and invest it.

  4. Pay off my bills and take a trip somewhere tropical!!

  5. No name,no address on it I'd be very tempted to spend it.

  6. If there wasn't any ID with it, I'd spend it.

  7. Faint.

  8. No ID with it?, it becomes mine!

  9. I would invest it

  10. if i found alot of money i will pay the morgae on my house. remodel it. get a new car. and add to my woredrobe. and the same for my parents, brother, and sisters. if you nedd more advice email me at or

  11. give it all to the police *smirk*

  12. look forward to a good Christmas

  13. Hand it in to the Police, it may be mafia money or the like and I don't want them after me, although if it was still nto claimed in six months then I'd be the rightful owner, may take it then!

  14. I would turn it in to the authorities.  I live in the D.C. Metro Area and I would be too scared to spend it.  LOL...

  15. I would hand it in at the Police station and with my ten pounds reward id..............

    Only joking, id spend the lot of it....

  16. Try to find out who lost it.  Invest it.

  17. See if there was any I.D. with the money, turn it over to the local police where I found it after counting it. If nobody claims it, the money is mine

  18. i'd like to say hand it to the cops, but the reality is i'd keep it for myself!

  19. spend some bank some finders keepers

  20. mmmm spend it

  21. Same as Francis H.  Look for ID, turn it in to the police, if no one claims it, spend it!

  22. Keep it.

    Why not?

    If I gave it to someone else, they would probably keep it.

  23. keep it

  24. Depending on the amount would keep it. Chances are if you hand it in someone else will take it and spend it!

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