
What would you do if you found out that a MALE voted for Hillary Clinton?

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What would you do if you found out that a MALE voted for Hillary Clinton?




  1. I would shake his hand and tell him he is doing great things for America and Operation Chaos.

  2. i wouldn't be to phased because id vote for who i thought would be a good government not based on gender or race. if thats what you mean

  3. Reason that he is obviously smarter than the average Obama supporter. Duh.

  4. My husband is a Hillary supporter. And since he is more man than you are, I would say "Good job". Why are you so upset about Hillary? Is your manhood threatened? Does the fact that she is focused, powerful and better educated than you scare you?

  5. They can vote for Santa Claus for all I care.......... as long as they VOTED!

  6. Must be g*y and impressed by Hilary's "testicular fortitude"

  7. ask him if he was the power top or the pillow biter

  8. I would look at him less than Bill. That's pretty low. However, a vote for Hillary is a vote again Barack Osama, ha.

  9. Pat on the back buddy!!! :)

  10. I would just be glad he voted at all - and that he didn't vote for McCain.

  11. Wonder why he's wasting his vote on a Democrat.

    Male or female, doesn't matter.

  12. What would you do if a white person or an Asian or an Eskimo vote for Obama?....and just what the h**l difference would or could it possibly make?

  13. Nothing

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