
What would you do if you found out you where nothing and had no meaning?

by Guest60391  |  earlier

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What would you do if you found out you where nothing and had no meaning?




  1. I would try to make myself the most outstanding person, bcause I would want to be the DIFFERENT ONE, if you know what I'm saying. Then I would be something, and my meaning would be something more. But, I hope that you don't ever feel that way about yourself. We all have our days and our unique ways, so don't get that thought. Each and every person on this lanet, has a meaning, from criminal to a total cutie. but if it were me, I would change myself and that would be all.

  2. Nothing, I figured that out years ago. I'm just here because there is no where else to go and being dead does not sound entertaining at all.

  3. then we are all the same...

  4. I would set my alarm to go off very early tomorrow morning to allow me an early start in changing that finding. First, I would get in touch with friends and family and take stock of who I am and from whence I came.  You will probably discover that your information regarding who you are and what you are was in error. Second, I would feed my dog and then I would know by looking at him and observing him that I am pretty darn special and that I mean a lot to at least my dog.  Now that is a good start.  Then I would endeavor to become the person that my dog thinks that I am.  When you accomplish that you can rest assured that you are something and that you have awesome meaning. Remember, get an early start because you have a lifetime of work ahead of you.

  5. I would become Prime Minister because you have just described the chief characteristics of Mr Gordon Bean, the present incumbent.

  6. I'd live for the moment. Daffodils are still as pretty, chocolate still as sweet and spring days still as exhilarating.

    I'd work on my were/where problem, too. Correcting young whipper-snappers' grammar and spelling is still as satisfying, to us old-school geezers.

    You would have gotten more answers in "Philosophy". You posted in genealogy.

  7. I would never feel that way bcause i know that i have worth and nothing can take that away. whan i feel that way i try to redirect my thaughts and think of all of the good thingd that i do

  8. i hope that you're not feeling that way, you are something and you're worth more than you just need to come out of your shell or safe place and really make your mark in something that you like to do...i felt that way before i realized that i'm human and things happen to either make you or break you. everything that i've been through has made me even cheer up and everything will be just fine...

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