
What would you do if you found out your 11yr was smoking cuban cigars?

by  |  earlier

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Imagin your 11yr boy had his hair longer than his girlfriend's with pants filled with chains, at least 40 shirts XXLarge smoking cigars. What would you do?




  1. i would make him go to military school.

  2. To begin with i would give him a good spanking.    He is eleven, he doesn't make the rules

  3. I'd make him smoke the whole pack and make absolutely sure he got as sick as humanly possible.

  4. He needs to hang out with diffent people:

    Take him to church

    Talk to him

    You must no have the best of relatioship with him

    You must be divorced

    Hes just trying to find himself

    Trying to fit in

    He needs to go to a new school

    He is way to young to be doing that

  5. I'd insist he tell me where he got 'em and whether he could get more.  Oh, and - of course - remind him that HE is too young to smoke...especially Cubans.

  6. Tell him to smoke cheaper cigars.

  7. I'd start reconsidering my parenting approach,

  8. I would have a heart attack....

  9. I'd high five him. Except the cigars part.

  10. If you're his parent and you have to ask this question.........

  11. If the cigars really are Cubans I'd first want to know where he got them because they are illegal, and how did he pay for them because they are expensive.

    Second he'd be sent to an all boys boarding school far away from girls because he's too young to be dating, let alone smoking.

    Of course any child of mine wouldn't be smoking, dating, or dressing like that especially at that age and still be alive.

  12. Wow he has a girlfriend,one problem right there,anyways I would beat his butt,not child abuse or anything but that's ridiculous.That boy needs to be taught.

  13. Lots of good responses here (a couple are obviously from sarcastic kids), so some of my answer will mirror other opinions already presented, but here is my informed opinion. I apologize for the length, but this is important.

    The long hair... if he keeps it clean... so what. If it bothers you; he's eleven, you're the adult... cut it.

    Assuming you are American, he is not legally old enough to buy cigarettes, much less cigars. Where is he getting them? If the cigars are real Cubans, then they are illegal and expensive. He is not lifting them from the local store; he is associating with criminals.

    The reason young men wear many layers of shirts, is so that they can pull them off one at a time, while running from the law, so it'll be harder to identify him with certainty when caught. Over-sized clothing conceals stolen property. And can you think of any reason to carry chains around in you pockets other than to use them to harm someone, or smash out the windows of whatever you are planning to rob.

    He's not even a teenager yet, but he is already a budding criminal, or at the very least, he is idealizing the delinquent lifestyle, and thinks of them as role-models. Right now his life has only three choices: Jails, Institutions, or Death. You are the parent... the adult. Take drastic action now, or loose him forever to one of the non-negotiable three destinies above awaiting your child. Military school, move to farm-country, boot camp for delinquents, psychiatry, Big Brother type mentoring, church, strict parenting etc, and don't just pick one. It's up to you. Choose for him now, or wait for the Jails, Institutions, or Death to choose for you.

    I don't expect you to pick this as your favorite answer - you might even give it a thumbs down, and I know this will anger you (who do you think you are? etc, etc), but I don't care. Your child's life depends on not just reading this, but taking it to heart. Good luck, and God Bless. Your family is in my prayers.

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