
What would you do if you found someone had searched your email?

by  |  earlier

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I have yahoo email. When I woke up one morning I found it had been searched in the sent items for the word s*x. My BF went to be after I did and was on the computer. I have a roomate also. My BF swears that he did not do it. I told him perhaps I should check with my roomate. He said no don't do that.

What do you think? Do you think he searched my email for the word s*x? Somethings came up like s*x in the city and me talking about a ex to my friend.

My BF always closes his email before I get on the computer.




  1. i would def change my password first of all.

    next i would set up a trap. someway to tell who did it.

    hope that helps.

    please help me:

  2. I suggest that you get your part of the computer password-protected. And use a password that is both letters and numbers, both high and lower case letters. In other words, a password that is very complex, and one that only you know. You can find how to do this at the computer section of Yahoo Answers.



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