
What would you do if you found someone...?

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...onconcious on your lawn?

I remember I was in the passenger side of my friend Dante's car. And this guy driving in DUI (driving under intoxication) hit the car and I flew out of the window and landed on someone's lawn, I went over a fence. The guy wasn't driving a regular car it was almost like a truck i think and he was going like 110 mi per hour, that's what my friend told me. I have no idea.

I think I hit something on the way threw the air. I think it was a parked car, that I got nocked onconcious.

Since I went over a fence no one could see where I was. I think a police dog found me.

Surprisingly I wasn't injured very badly. Just glass cuts and a bump on my head. Could have been worse. This happened like two months ago.

So what would you do if you found someone onconcious on your lawn?




  1. your obviously very smart to get in the car with an extremely drunk friend speeding

  2. When I was younger, I would probably go up to them and see what was going on..(dead, drunk, lost)

    But now..I would just call the police.  

    I'm not the brave soul I used to be..

  3. I would call the police and an ambulance ...spell check

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