
What would you do if you got this email?

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So the other day I get into work and open up my email to find one from my sig other. The subject is "Good Evening." The email reads as follows:

I hope u have a good night. To bad i cant spend it with you. Maybe someday that maybe possible. Weird question? what do you wear to bed? Also how far do you want this to go with us?


OOPS...he accidentally sent the email to me instead of her. And he was writing this email the night before while I was sitting less than 3 feet away from him reading his 2 year old daughter a book.

He has a history of chatting online with this girl in the past. He says that he contacted her the day before with an explicit email. He said that he sent her this only to get her hopes up and then crush her. I think he is lying. Thoughts??? What would you do?




  1. of course hes lying. you freakin caught him!-

  2. wow

  3. "He said that he sent her this only to get her hopes up and then crush her."

    Yeah, riiiiiggghhtttt!  

    Nice try, Don Juan.

    He's a freaking liar.  Glad to see you think he is lying, because he SO obviously IS!

  4. I would laugh all the way to clean out the bank accounts lol

  5. I have no tolerance for cheaters or liars.

    I'd leave!  He obviously has no respect for you and your relationship.

  6. you "think" that he's lying?!?  honey, this guy is the crown prince of lies and you need to be out of there.  actions speak louder than words, and his actions are telling you that he is a cheating online lothario!  i would bet you dollars to donuts that his cheating has gone far beyond online and you just dont know it yet.  at the very least you need to have a long talk with this guy, cuz it sounds like you're being played.

  7. Dirty no good lying dog.

    Get out of that relationship and don't allow him to sweet talk you back.

  8. I'd be packing my bags.  

  9. Of course he is lying.... HE GOT CAUGHT...

    He isn't really going to be sorry, just sorry he got caught. I would say leave his @$$ and move on to someone that would respect you!

  10. he got caught and now he is trying to lie out of it, its for self protection.if he were mine, i would end it, and be on my way. he's a cheater and a player and this will not make for a very good relationship.what he is saying doesn't even sound realistic. if he wanted to crush her he would have told her he was in a relationship,and he wasn't available.  


    This is not a good thing. Time to communicate and get everything out on the table if you want to stay together. You said he has done this before? He sounds like a real winner- NOT!

    I am sorry, but at that point I would keep quiet, pack my bags the next time he is out and take some money out of the account and be gone before he gets back. No explanations needed when he clearly knows what he is doing is cheating and not acceptable in a marriage or relationship.  

  12. wow...i'd be gone...that's bull that he would go online looking for someone to "play with and then crush her"...and he did that with you and y'alls child sitting there...he's selfish and're better off with someone like that esp since he has a history of doing it...

  13. i wouldn't have even talked to him about it, i'd be too busy packing up (if your place, toss his a$$; if his, get out now)

    and if you can-- i'd warn the woman the email was intended for; she may not know about you, and has the right to know you two have both been played

  14. He wants her.  And wants her to know that,  as soon as she says when and where.  He is ready and willing.

  15. Reply.

    And think hard....real hard as to what you have to say. Any attempt to play up on this will be lost because he sent it accidentally. So naturally if you reply your address will come up.

    I'd just make plans to pull the rug out from beneath him. he's cruising for some trim. this 'string her along and crush her' is wishful thinking on his part. Clearly he's an egotistical a*****e.'d you hook up with such a piece of trash anyway?

  16. He's lying.  Keep all the evidence for the divorice.

  17. Yeah nice try.  It's bad enough that he's a liar & a cheater.  But he's THAT stupid on top of everything else?  What a winner!!

  18. He's flat out lying.  He wants some "side action".  Leave him if you can...otherwise kick him in the balls and break the computer.

  19. The bottom line is that he should not be communicating with a woman being married to you. This email tells you plain and clear what his intentions are with keeping in contact with this woman and since he screwed up and sent the email to the wrong person he is lying to cover it up. If I were you I would not allow him on the computer because when you abuse it you lose it. I would also tell him we are getting some marriage counseling so that he understands the damage he has done with trust issues and harming our relationship. That is if you decide to give him a chance to work on the marriage sweetie.

  20. let her have him

  21. Your Sig other is a dirt bag!

    You were sitting right there with your child and he sent this, and his excuse was "to hurt another person'???? What's wrong with him, and to say the least, what's wrong with you?

    Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself everyday, "I deserve better, my child deserves better, we ARE worth it !!" Demand respect from him. You obviously know this other girls email address, bring it up to her attention and tell her what she needs to know.

    They best way to handle your man, is to come up with a plan. You know him best. What is his strengths, what are his weaknesses? You know, you have the power, it's what you do with it that matters. Good Luck and Wise Up.

  22. THINK hes lying?

  23. your a fool if you believe him , and What would you do? i would kick him out until he get his head out of his a**

  24. He is lying, at least that is what I would think!

    Asking another woman about her bed clothes is s sure fire red flag. Shame on him. I think I would keep a real close eye on him.  

  25. He's lying! Your first assumption was correct. He accidentally sent it to you but he didn't do it to crush her. He did it to get it on with her! You have got to see this. Besides why is he worried about playing with another woman's feelings anyway? You should be on alert with this one!

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