
What would you do if you had a friend that lies about everything?

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i have this friend, an they're a really a cool friend but they always have the nerve to lie about EVERYTHING, even things that don't matter, i know when there lieing its just i dont wanna tell them, what would you do in this situation?




  1. use them for what they are good for, if they are fun to hang out with, hang out with them. but if you know they are compulsive liars, then dont expect the truth from them. simple. oh, and i wouldnt bother telling them, just gonna make them mad at you and all kinds of problems...

  2. If I was u, Id just tell em the truth, that u know there lying. And it pisses u off, & u wish that they'd be more truthfull with u.

  3. just stop believing ANYthing and everything they say

  4. make fun of him. and call him a liar

  5. i do have a friend who lies about everything i just go along with her and ask stupid questions. There just jealous because you got something they dont.

  6. If I were you, I would stop hanging out with those guys, no matter how cool they are. They're cool, but stupid. If they keep lying like that, they'll just get in trouble some day. You should tell them what they do is wrong.

  7. Tell them that you are not their parent...

  8. Well, your friend is not cool if he lies. You should not waste your friendship on a liar.

  9. All my friends are females. I hate friends who lie. They should just keep quiet if they do not want to reveal the truth about themselves. Anyway, I have very few friends(even ordinary friends) ever since after junior college. I think some are married, just like me. So far, I have not met any old schoolmates at the places I have worked. Although I am already 32 years old, but I have only total 3 years working experience.

  10. You look like an innocent one or more likely like that who can choose a good friend.Sometimes people can change if you try stating that matter and have a little talk about it with them.If they are stuborn and never care to how you feel to what is right,I think if i were you,a nerd friend whos always there for me and really honest to me who can tell me what is right or wrong would be my choice.

    If they agrees to change,give them a chance.Friends that are true to us are friends who never lies and yet they understands us.

    Be straight to them okay,they just have to change or else when ? If its not now then when ?

  11. i know what you feel i had friend sthat were like that

    i eventually got so pissed off and said whats wrong with you and told them everything i felt in like 10 words and so they stopped doing ti as much so you should probaly talk to them about it. Because now the friends that i have that used to lie alot are my best friends

  12. i would probably beat them down until they answer truthfully.

  13. i would start lying sarcastically to them and see how they feel :)

  14. Call them out on it! If you guys are in your teens a lot of kids think they sound cool if they make stuff up. If you let your friend know you like them without making stuff up then maybe they will stop acting like that.

    But make sure you try to be kind about it, and let them know it is okay, but just to stop! If your friend doesn't stop then maybe it is time to ditch that friend! What's the point in trying to be close with someone if their entire existance is a falsity?

  15. I probably wouldn't have a friend in this case.

  16. just tell them to stop lieing and that you nkow they lie too much

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