
What would you do if you had a pervy teacher???

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My computers teacher is a total pervert and he is always looking down mine and my friends shirts when we pick something up. Once my friend actually caught him watching p**n on his school computer, but he got away before my teacher saw him.




  1. Is there a teacher that you feel comfortable talking to? If anyone ever makes you feel uncomfortable then you need to tell someone. But make sure you are serious dont just do it for a laugh because this is someones life and career.

    Maybe button up your shirts when you're in class to make yourself feel safer.

    It's not up to you to find evidence so you can report suspicions!

  2. Tell your form tutor or find out who is responsible for child protection in your school (often the head) and tell him or her. Also speak to your parents about it

  3. First of all none has the right to make you uncomfortable with unwanted sexual attention, if you are really sure this is happening, ie your friend might not be telling the truth about the computer incident, then you need to talk to an adult in school. Try to be calm and keep to the facts, calling someone a "total pervert" is not helpful if you want to be taken seriously. A pastoral deputy or form teacher might be your best bet; your allegation will be taken seriously so be sure of what you are saying, good luck.

  4. I would seriously recommend reporting this teacher to your form tutor or head of year. Paedophiles target professions where they will have access to children and if you are underage and he is 'perving' in full view then what is he doing in private? People like that should be kept well away from kids, and you need to mention your concerns so it can be investigated. If he is watching p**n whilst teaching then it is chilling.

    If he has p**n on the school computer this should be picked up. Monitor his behavour and report everything

  5. You need to be very careful before making an allegation of this nature.

    The first question to be asked would be how you dress. If you wear low cut necklines, so that your cleavage shows, then you have some responsibilty.

    In other words, when I person is leaning over to help you, if you have a plunging neckline, then it cannot be helped if their eyes, naturally, fall down to a 'questionable' point.

    If you are wearing short skirts and/or a low waistline on skirts/jeans, or specifically hipster line and you happen to wear thongs, then the fault, is yours.

    Teachers, like pupils, are typically monitored, for their internet access, so, if you have a genuine complaint, that your teacher is perverted, then a complaint would result in the teacher being investigated and said, p**n site, being revealed on the internet log of the school.

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